>So I select under tools>output>latex> Bibliography Processor > bibtex
>(or custom? or bibtex8?)

It seems you are using an older lyx version. It should work with it, still I 
upgrading lyx to version 2.x.

Set bibliography processor to bibtex. bibtex8 might work as well, I never tried 
If you select bibtex, make sure those fields in the bib database file that will 
be in
the output do have only ASCII or latin-1 encoded characters. Special characters
should be replaced by latex commands (eg. รถ is \"{o} etc.).

>Since I have over 700 citations, I used Jabref for my bibliography and
>clicked the references via the lyx-export of jabref to the corresponding
>places of my document. If I use \setcitestyle{aysep={}} instead of your
>proposed \setcitestyle{round,aysep={}}, and if I put () around the
>citation, I get what I need.

Do not add manually '(' and ')' around citations. The opening and closing
braces (rounded, square, or other) are part of the citation.
And it is better to add the citations within lyx.

I don't know if jabref can handle the two different types of citations:
 ' and 'text (Author year) text'. Can it make a
difference? If you insert the citations within lyx you can select which
type you want. If you look at the source you can see that the latex
command for the two types are different, \citet and \citep.

Also, if you have several citations in a group, lyx can handle it.
Can jabref handle that?

Unfortunately you have to go through all the citations and adjust them
manually. Or you can work on the .lyx source file directly using a text
editor and replacing all cite* command with citep. (Make a backup
of the original file before editing!) After this open your edited file
in lyx, find the few (I suppose) occasions of 'text Author (year) text'
type citations and adjust them manually.

The  \setcitestyle{round,aysep={}} and  \setcitestyle{aysep={}}
commands in the preamble have the same effect, as round is the
default option in case of author-year citation. Removing or adding it
does not make any difference.

>But what about eg: (Praschak-Rieder and Willeit 2012) and in case
>of three authors and more (Crosthwait et al. 1997)?

I don't understand what your question is.
Unfortunately latex handles citations in goups. One group is all
the citations selected and added at the same time. All these citations
will be between the same pair of parentheses. If you add neighboring
citations separately, they will be within different parentheses pairs.

The source also shows the difference. For example.

3 citations in one group:


The output will be:

(author1 year1, author2 year2, author3 year3)

However if you add them separately, like this:

\citep{citation1} \citep{citation2} \cite{citaton3}

the output will be:

(author1 year1) (author2 year2) (author3 year3)

You can adjust the opening and closing braces and the seperators
between authors etc using \setcitestyle.

Read the natbib manual (available at CTAN) section 2.9 Selecting
citation punctuation.

>Where in the .lyx file (or elsewhere) would I place the authdate.bst
>file you kindly supplied?

You can put it anywhere you want, but the best place is the directory
where your .lyx file is. You select the bst file by clicking 'BibTeX Generated
Bibliography' and browse for it.

If you still have questions don't hesitate to ask, but be specific, please.


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