Am 29.10.2013 um 15:45 schrieb Miguel Negrão 

> Hi
> I've updated from ubuntu 13.04 to ubuntu 13.10 and now any document with
> non english language causes this error:
>> Package: babel 2013/05/16 v3.9f The Babel package
>> ! Package babel Error: You haven't specified a language option.
>> See the babel package documentation for explanation.
>> Type  H <return>  for immediate help.
>> ...                                              
>> l.326 ...ry to proceed from here, type x to quit.}
>> You need to specify a language, either as a global option
>> or as an optional argument to the \usepackage command;
>> You shouldn't try to proceed from here, type x to quit.
>> )
>> LaTeX Warning: Unused global option(s):
>>    [esperanto].
>> No file newfile1.aux.
>> \openout1 = `newfile1.aux'.
> This looks like a bug…

The question is: where is it?

> Can anyone else reproduce ?

No, I cannot reproduce it with LyX 2.0.5 on Mac OS X.

Did you install any language package/option for your LaTeX engine?


> thank you,
> -- 
> Miguel Negrão
> simple example that causes the  error:
> #LyX 2.0 created this file. For more info see
> \lyxformat 413
> \begin_document
> \begin_header
> \textclass article
> \use_default_options true
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> \font_typewriter default
> \font_default_family default
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> \font_sc false
> \font_osf false
> \font_sf_scale 100
> \font_tt_scale 100
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> \index_command default
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> \use_esint 1
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> \use_bibtopic false
> \use_indices false
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> \suppress_date false
> \use_refstyle 1
> \index Index
> \shortcut idx
> \color #008000
> \end_index
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> \paragraph_indentation default
> \quotes_language english
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> \html_be_strict false
> \end_header
> \begin_body
> \begin_layout Standard
> test
> \end_layout
> \end_body
> \end_document

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