On Saturday 11 January 2014 09:34:17 KIM Musak wrote:

Just saw this; its the same issue I have posted just now under
Biblatex and LyX issue #was: Re: Author-year in Lyx


> Dear Stefano, unfortunately I still can't get lyx to
> 1) show Author-Year , instead the bibtexkey shown
> 2) no bibliography listed at the end of the text
> I am pretty sure the problem happens during generation of the PDF file.
> The reasons being, I could see all the reference in my Lyx document, I
> could cite the selected reference. They are nicely shown in lyx file,
> and nicely shown as Author-Year.  The only problem is when I click
> preview, the PDF only shows the citation but only in bibtexkey and no
> bibliography printed. Anything to do with the module? or Windows 8? or
> probably with Lyx 2.0.6?
> --, what have I done wrong? still clueless ---
> Regards,
> Kamarul
> On Sat, Jan 11, 2014 at 1:30 AM, Stefano Franchi <stef...@tamu.edu> 
> > On Fri, Jan 10, 2014 at 10:49 AM, KIM Musak <kim2u4...@gmail.com> 
> >> Dear Stefano and all,
> >> 
> >> Coming back to setting Lyx to work with biblatex, I am not so sure
> >> how to make it works in my Lyx. I have tried the steps listed at
> >> http://wiki.lyx.org/BibTeX/Biblatex , which includes
> >> 1) Put the file biblatex.module in the layouts folder
> > 
> > 2) Reconfigure Lyx - then restart
> > 
> >> 3) Setting the Preamble with
> >> a) \usepackage[style=authoryear,natbib=true,backend=bibtex]{biblatex}
> > 
> > you should really use biber instead of bibtex with bibblatex. It is
> > not mandatory but I strongly recommend it. Many biblatex features
> > only wotk with biber. So replace your line with:
> > 
> > \usepackage[style=authoryear,natbib=true,backend=biber]{biblatex}
> > 
> > (actually biber is the default, so you clould eliminate the backend
> > clause completely, but just for clarity)
> > 
> >> b) \usepackage[style=numeric,backend=bibtex]{biblatex}
> > 
> > This is wrong. You should only load biblatex once, with the style you
> > want. So either load it with style=authoryear, or with style=numeric,
> > but do not load it twice
> > 
> > Stefano, yes, I used only
>  \usepackage[style=authoryear,natbib=true,backend=biber]{biblatex}
> c) \addbibresource{<name of bib-file with .bib-extension>}
> > You should have the complete path from root here, otherwise biblatex
> > won't find you bib file. This is actually  lyx's problem, not
> > biblatex's. The problem is that when you instruct lix to typeset your
> > file into a a pdf, lyx first copies your lyx-converted tex  file to a
> > temp directory, then it runs (pdf)latex and biber/bibtex on it. At
> > that point, the relative path you had inserted in the preamble
> > becomes meaningless since you are no longer in the original location.
> > IN SHORT: always use absolute paths in your \addbibresource commands
> > in the preamble.
> Stefano, i did use the complete the path and also the file name only
> >> 4) insert the BibTeX inset (Insert→List/TOC→BibTeX Bibliography... )
> >> in a LyX note or comment
> > 
> > good
> I can confirmed that I did this
> >> 5) enter \printbibliography in ERT
> > 
> > good
> I can confirm that i did this
> > 6) change from bibtex to biber, go to Tools→Settings→Output→LaTeX and
> > 
> >> change the bibtex
> > 
> > good
> I can confirm I did this
> > 7) pass the option backend=biber
> > 
> > see comment to point 3a above
> I did add this and without this
> >> When I inserted the citation, Lyx managed to find it.
> >> But when I previewed it, the citation is not in author-year and no
> >> bibliography printed
> >> 
> >> Did I miss any steps? I am using Lyx 2.0.6
> > 
> > Let me know if it works.
> > 
> > Cheers,
> > Stefano
> > --
> > __________________________________________________
> > Stefano Franchi
> > Associate Research Professor
> > Department of Hispanic Studies            Ph:   +1 (979) 845-2125
> > Texas A&M University                          Fax:  +1 (979) 845-6421
> > College Station, Texas, USA
> > 
> > stef...@tamu.edu
> > http://stefano.cleinias.org

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