
your file had an error in the preamble. You had


but the file you enclosed is called PBReffXX.bib

Once I fixed the filename to PBRefXX.bib the file compiled fine, and the
references and bibliography appeared in the pdf output (I also had to
change the directory, of course).


On Sat, Jan 11, 2014 at 4:25 AM, Wolfgang Engelmann <
engelm...@uni-tuebingen.de> wrote:

>   Thanks, Stefano.
> Here again what I followed up or tried:
> 1) Put the file biblatex.module in the layouts folder
> I guess the /.lyx/layouts/ is meant ?
> or is it documents>module>Biblatex-citation-styles
> I have selected this and added to 'chosen' in right box
> or both, which I tried ??
> 2) tools>reconfigure
> restart lyx
> 3) documents>Settings>Bibliography
> citation style: standard
> Processor: biber
> 3) preamble>
> \usepackage[style=authoryear,natbib=true]{biblatex}
> \addbibresource{<name of bib-file with .bib-extension>}
> in my case \addbibresource{PBRef.bib}
> tried also
> \addbibresource{/home/we/Photobiology2013/PBRFigFinal/PBRef.bib}
> 4) Insert>List/TOC>BibTeX Bibliography...
> in my case PBRef
> style: plain
> and put it in LyX note (turns yellow)
> 5) \printbibliography in ERT
> inserted after the yellow BibTeX Bibliography note
> 6) Tools>Settings>Output>LaTeX
> processor: biber
> I did all this including reconfigure, the terminal says
> Running: biber "PB-Biber"
> INFO - This is Biber 1.6
> INFO - Logfile is 'PB-Biber.blg'
> INFO - Reading 'PB-Biber.bcf'
> INFO - Found 748 citekeys in bib section 0
> INFO - Processing section 0
> INFO - Looking for bibtex format file
> '/home/WE/Photobiology2013/PBRFigFinal/PBRef.bib' for section 0
> ERROR - Cannot find '/home/WE/Photobiology2013/PBRFigFinal/PBRef.bib'!
> support/Systemcall.cpp (273): Systemcall: 'biber "PB-Biber"' finished with
> exit code 2
> However, the PBRef.bib is there:
> > so you can make up your own command by typing the following
> > at a prompt, to get the complete path of file "myfilename.bib"
> >
> > $>ls $PWD/myfilename.bib
> Dolphin tells me:
> /home/we/Photobiology2013/PBRFigFinal
> and your proposal:
> we@wolfgang:~/Photobiology2013/PBRFigFinal$ $ls $PWD/PBRef.bib
> bash: /home/we/Photobiology2013/PBRFigFinal/PBRef.bib: Keine Berechtigung
> (no admission)
> I changed the permission to include group, but still no change in output
> >
> > Ok, this is confusing. Are you getting the references in your pdf files?
> > If so, it means that biber has found your bib file and has processed it
> > correctly. If you are not getting the "References" section at the end,
> > however, you may have forgotten and/or mispelled the /printbibliography
> > command. Or latex may have choked on it due to some error in the bbl
> > file.
> >
> > Can you confirm that:
> >
> > 1. You are getting the correct citations in the pdf file
> yes, I do
> > 2. You have entered \printbibliography in ERT at the end of your
> > document
> yes, I did
> > 3. You do not see a corresponding "References" or "Works
> > cited" section with your full references at the end of your pdf file
> No, I don't
> I should perhaps add, that I use Koma script (book)
> I tried with the normal book style,
> but get an error
> Der Absatzstil `Publishers' wurde nicht gefunden.
> (paragraph style `Publishers' was not found
> The same with other book styles except Koma
> I have taken out all entrances in the preamble except
> \usepackage[style=authoryear,natbib=true,backend=biber]{biblatex}
> %could also be
> % \usepackage[style=authoryear,natbib=true]{biblatex}
> \addbibresource{/home/WE/Photobiology2013/PBRFigFinal/PBRef.bib}
> but still no Bibliography output in the pdf
> although the references are cited in the pdf output
> I tried furthermore ps output, same problem: citations alright, but no
> Bibliography output.
> I tried also a (almost) minimal example with no success either.
> May I include this example and the bib file going with it? It is quite
> short and might help you in finding out what I do wrong.
> Thanks for all the help for and patience with me
> Wolfgang

Stefano Franchi
Associate Research Professor
Department of Hispanic Studies            Ph:   +1 (979) 845-2125
Texas A&M University                          Fax:  +1 (979) 845-6421
College Station, Texas, USA


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