My bad, didn't notice the option to enable verbose output. Seems like you are right and it's a python problem or more precise a problem with LyX calling Cygwin's Python (2.7.3) instead of LyX's own Python (2.7.5). When i run the command in a terminal window using c:\Programme\Lyx 2.0\Python\python.exe instead of C:/cygwin/bin/python2.7.exe it succeeds. Question remains how do i get LyX to use the right python.exe (the PATH prefix looks correct to me)?

10:43:07.602: Öffne Dokument C:\tmp\lyx\newfile1.lyx...D:/LyXGit/2.0.x/src\support/os_win32.cpp (299): <Win32 path correction> [C:/tmp/lyx/newfile1.lyx]->>[C:\tmp\lyx\newfile1.lyx]

BufferParams.cpp (1996): setBaseClass: article

support/FileName.cpp (692): creating path 'C:/Dokumente und Einstellungen/glaser.TRACKITDOMAIN/Lokale Einstellungen/Temp/lyx_tmpdir.Hp2232/lyx_tmpbuf6'.

Buffer.cpp (398): Buffer::Buffer()

BufferList.cpp (122): Assigning to buffer 0

support/FileName.cpp (950): filetools(getFormatFromContents)

Couldn't find a known format!

Lexer.cpp (258): lyxlex: UNcompressed

Lexer.cpp (338): Comment read: `35LyX 1.6.9 created this file. For more info see'

support/FileName.cpp (448): Temporary file in C:/Dokumente und Einstellungen/glaser.TRACKITDOMAIN/Lokale Einstellungen/Temp/lyx_tmpdir.Hp2232/Buffer_convertLyXFormat

support/FileName.cpp (436): Temporary file `C:/Dokumente und Einstellungen/glaser.TRACKITDOMAIN/Lokale Einstellungen/Temp/lyx_tmpdir.Hp2232/Buffer_convertLyXFormat.if2232' created.

Buffer.cpp (1122): Running 'C:/cygwin/bin/python2.7.exe -tt "C:/Programme/LyX 2.0/Resources/lyx2lyx/lyx2lyx" -t 413 -o "C:/Dokumente und Einstellungen/glaser.TRACKITDOMAIN/Lokale Einstellungen/Temp/lyx_tmpdir.Hp2232/Buffer_convertLyXFormat.if2232" "C:/tmp/lyx/newfile1.lyx"'

support/FileName.cpp (832): filetools(getFormatFromContents)

File type not recognised before EOF!

support/FileName.cpp (950): filetools(getFormatFromContents)

Couldn't find a known format!

Lexer.cpp (258): lyxlex: UNcompressed

Error: Dokumentformat-Fehler

Am 10.02.2014 19:32, schrieb Jürgen Spitzmüller:
Ralf Glaser, track IT wrote:

please find attached the Lyx 1.6 file which Lyx 2.0 won't open.
Thanks. It opens just fine here. I suppose lyx2lyx (the converter between
different LyX formats) does not work properly on your side. Maybe a Python

Can you open LyX from a terminal window (or check View > Messages) to see
whether there is an error message from lyx2lyx?


Dipl.-Ing. Ralf Glaser

*Neue Adresse ab 1.8.2013:*
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30449 Hannover

track IT GmbH
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