Hi Kevin,
I'm maintaining the LyX port of classicthesis style, and would like to help you with this. However, I am not sure if I understood what exactly your problem is. The template uses only local (./) files, if you change the location of any of them, you should make LyX and LaTeX aware of that.

Document Settings > Document Class > local layout should point to classicthesis.layout.

classicthesis.sty should be where LaTeX can find it

classicthesis-congig.tex should be where the rest of the template is

Can you please post a list of the changes you've made, I'll try to reproduce.

On 02/16/2014 11:40 PM, Kevin Smith wrote:
I'm using LyX on a Mac.  I'd like to install a new style
(example ClassiicThesis-Lyx-v4.1).  The style will only load with all of
it's associated files if I start Lyx by clicking on the
ClassicThesis.lyx file from within the directory where it and all it's
flies are located.  If I try to create a new file from a template, where
the ClassicThesis directory is installed in my template directory, it
doesn't find all of the other files (it is looking in ./<filename> for
these files.) and I get errors when loading.

It seems like there is a path variable that needs to be set somewhere.
  I went into the preferences dialog and set the "Document Template"
path to this directory.  Still doesn't work.  (btw, can these paths have
multiple directories separated by ":"  ?).

Anyone know what the problem is ?


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