On 02/26/2014 12:57 AM, Paul Johnson wrote:
Hey, developers. Can you make LyX look in the current working directory for class files and turn off the warnings the pop up with LyX 2.0.7? Please?

Please file a bug report about this, if we don't resolve it here.

For our doctoral students, I worked out a LyX example (LaTeX as well) and it uses a custom class file. I have the cls file in the document directory. Along with a biblio style and the document itself. All was well until LyX 2.0.7.

I'm trying to think what could have changed in 2.0.7.


(I'd like advice on how to create a real LyX template that would conceal the ERT in the LyX main document, but that's a different email I need to write to you).

I don't think that will be hard.

The PDF output passed the inspection of our administrators, and we have started teaching students how to use this. So far, there have been 6 dissertations written with LyX at KU.


LyX 2.0.7 seems to have introduced a new warning that is driving the users crazy. I had never seen it before this Saturday. Maybe this is just in Windows. Every time they open the LyX dissertation document, warnings pop up over and over saying the kuthesis.cls file is not installed and they cannot compile anything until they get it.

I assume this is the warning that reads: "The selected document class...requires external files that are not available. The document class can still be used, but the document cannot be compiled until..."? It is possible that this could be due to a change not in LyX itself but in MikTeX or whatever.

This is triggered once per document. But if there are child documents, it is triggered for each of those, too. So that is probably why you see multiple popups.

I say ignore those warnings, click OK 5 times, the document compiles, all is well. But I'd rather not bother with the warnings.

A workaround: Find the file textclass.lst in the user directory, which itself can be found from Help> About LyX. Open that file and find the line for ku-thesis. The fourth string on that line will be "false". Change it to "true". Make the fifth string on the line an empty string: "". So you'll have something like:
    "ku-thesis", "ku-thesis", "Thesis (KU)", "true", ""

Just to whine about Windows for a while....

I'd suggest you post this as a separate message, preferably to lyx-devel.


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