On Wed, Mar 5, 2014 at 12:24 PM, stefano franchi
<stefano.fran...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 5, 2014 at 10:47 AM, Jason F. Siegel <siege...@umail.iu.edu> 
> wrote:
>> On 03/05/2014 12:36 AM, stefano franchi wrote:
>> On Tue, Mar 4, 2014 at 9:40 PM, Jason F. Siegel <siege...@umail.iu.edu>
>> wrote:
>> On 03/03/2014 05:07 PM, Csikos Bela wrote:
>> "Jason F. Siegel" <siege...@umail.iu.edu> írta:
>> I've attached the LaTeX and BiBTex logs in one text file. I've also
>> attached a LyX MWE with the ERT that got left out of the first one, to
>> show the formatting problems that were apparent in the PDF of the beta
>> file.
>> --Jason
>> On 03/03/2014 12:58 PM, stefano franchi wrote:
>> On Mon, Mar 3, 2014 at 9:25 AM, Jason F. Siegel <siege...@umail.iu.edu>
>> wrote:
>> Hi Csikos,
>> I've provided a non-beta file with this e-mail. However, here the
>> problem is
>> different, as I stated in the original e-mail. In the non-beta, even
>> with
>> what I believe are the same settings (I'll admit I could be overlooking
>> something), the references don't load at all. There is no formatting of
>> the
>> citations and no bibliography prints at the end. I would be happy to
>> continue to use the stable version of LyX if it meant I could get my
>> references and could format my ERT properly.
>> I have attached the PDFs of the non beta and the PDF of the earlier LyX
>> file
>> and also the .bib file, as well, so that people can see what I'm
>> seeing,
>> even if it's not reproducing on their machine.
>> Jason,
>> you file works fine here on LyX 2.0.7 (see attached). Citation and
>> bibliography are as you desire (I think).
>> What do you see in the log file?
>> Stefano
>> --Jason
>> On 03/03/2014 08:37 AM, Csikos Bela wrote:
>> "Jason F. Siegel" <siege...@umail.iu.edu> írta:
>> Hello all,
>> I'm having some trouble getting my bibliography and in-line citations
>> formatted properly. For some reason, the bibliography is sorting in
>> the
>> order the references are cited, rather than in alphabetical order.
>> Moreover, inline citations that should be Author (YEAR) are Author
>> (Title). I'm using biblatex 2.8 and biber 1.8, with natbib and
>> plainnat
>> style on Ubuntu 13.10 with Lyx 2.1.0dev (the references don't even
>> load
>> in 2.0.7 for some reason).
>> In the same document, ERT with the ExPex package isn't formatting as
>> expected. I'm trying to get bold italics , but \bf gives me bold
>> upright
>> characters and \textbf gives me one bold italicized character
>> followed
>> by italics. I'm also trying to get small caps, but it's just plain
>> lowercase. Any thoughts or aid people can give would be most welcome.
>> I've attached an he.
>> Jason,
>> I tried to open your MWE but it seems it is in lyx 2.1 format. I have
>> only
>> lyx 2.0 installed.
>> Jason,
>> I have some general comments.
>> - Please do not top post. Always write your message _below_ the included
>> previous messages or _right_below_ to a part (of a previous message) you are
>> actually refer to.
>> - The examples you have provided are not minimal examples. Rather they are
>> very complex documents. Try to reduce the example to as simple as possible
>> removing unnecessary text, unnecessary options, and preamble settings but
>> keeping those that cause the error.
>> Back to the specific case:
>> In the bib file you attached in your previous mail (MasterList.bib) the
>> last entry (@BOOK{UNICEF2009) is incomplete and not correctly closed.  There
>> is a missing "}" at the end and I think "address = " is not valid. The entry
>> "Cohen1998" is not correct. For me this caused compilation error and a very
>> different output.
>> I am attaching the corrected bib file and two pdfs, compiled with the
>> original, and with the fixed bib file.
>> In your current message the log file indicates that during compilation
>> bibtex is used. This should be biber (backend is set to biber in the
>> preamble). Maybe you have not set lyx to use biber instead of bibtex under
>> Tools=>Preferences=>Output=>LaTeX=>Processor: biber. Make sure you have
>> biber set there.
>> Hi Csikos,
>> ,
>> Thanks for your helpful instructions, and for fixing my bibliography.
>> Unfortunately, they do not solve my problems. Any time I select biber as the
>> backend (in the preamble, in settings, in preferences, and in any
>> combination), the PDF does not compile. With your fix, in both the beta and
>> the stable version, I get two 'Undefined control sequence' errors, one for
>> \sortlist and the other for \endsortlist.
>> Hi Jason,
>> my suggestion to get out of the problem you find yourself is the same
>> as Cskos's: try to reduce the number of variables as much as possible
>> in order to isolate the root of the problem.
>> The first thing you need to find out is whether you have a working
>> biblatex+biber installation.
>> 1. Make a new lyx file using one of the standard classes (book,
>> article), add )only* your biblatex call to the preamble (the
>> \usepackage and the \addbibresource commands), and put no more than
>> one word of text in the file itself, plus a couple of references at
>> most. See what happens.
>> If biblatex/biber work in the simplest possible scenario, you can
>> start to work on your (very complex) preamble.
>> I created a new document with just two citations using BiBLaTeX and biber,
>> and the document still fails to compile, giving me the same two errors that
>> I cited above, for \sortlist and \endsortlist.
>> I notice in my BiBTeX log it says
>> WARN - Warning: Found biblatex control file version 1.7, expected version
>> 2.5
>> It wouldn't surprise me if this is the culprit, but I have no clue about how
>> to fix it.
> That is most likely the source of all or at least most of your troubles.
> It is crucial that you keep biber and biblatex in sync. The best way
> to do this in a production environment is to never install packages
> manually, but to rely on texlive manager, which will take care of the
> sync for you. However, this is for the future, and the  problem is now
> how to fix your current (apparently broken) installation.
> This (relatively) simple requirement is made more complicated on
> Ubuntu (which I believe you are using) because Ubuntu' package manager
> also tries to manage the TeX live installation, but it is not in sync
> with the updated TeX Live repositories. Long story short: if you have
> installed *both* Ubuntu's TeXLive *and* the official TeXLive
> distribution (from www.tug.org/texlive ), you are in trouble. They
> conflict with each other. You need to opt either for the official
> TeXLive (more up to date, but need to be updated manually by you with
> tlmgr) or Ubuntu's version (not so up to date, but managed
> automatiaclly by the Ubuntu package manager).

The tricky thing is that even if you want to go with the official TeX
Live installation, Ubuntu will still try to install its own whenever
you install a package that depends on LaTeX.

My installation script for TeX Live 2013 handles all of that automatically:

clone and run with
sudo ./install-tl-ubuntu

and you're done.


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