Placing the cursor at the start of an inset and pressing the backspace key destroys the inset and makes its content part of the surrounding text. However, if the inset is the *only* item in a paragraph environment (list, Quotation, etc.) then not only is the inset destroyed but so too is the environment, which becomes a standard paragraph. Writing [note](note contents) to denote a note inset,

1. [note](blah blah blah)
    (a) sub-item
    (b) another sub-item

displays in the pdf as

1. (a) sub-item
    (b) another sub-item

which may what is desired, but if you feel the "blah blah blah" should be made visible in the pdf and put the cursor before the first "blah" and press backspace, the result is

blah blah blah  <-- a standard paragraph
1. sub-item
    (a) another sub-item

What I expected was

1. blah blah blah
    (a) sub-item
    (b) another sub-item

This seems to apply to all insets (I've also tried footnotes, margin notes, minipages, ERT), not just notes.


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