Enrico Forestieri wrote:
> Will Parsons writes:
>> Scott Kostyshak wrote:
>> >
>> > Hi Will,
>> >
>> > Thanks for the report. This does indeed seem like a LyX bug. Borders
>> > are tricky to get right. Can you write instructions for how to
>> > reproduce the table? Did you do it in LyX or did you import a .tex
>> > file?
>> I created it in LyX.  I don't know if I can recreate the steps I took,
>> but I'll see if I can.

I wasn't able to reproduce a series of steps, but I did manage to
solve the problem.  I had specified a fixed width of 5.5in (I can't
remember why now), and by deleting this setting the PDF is rendered

> I don't know whether this is really a LyX bug or not, but you can
> workaround the issue as follows:
> 1) Put the cursor just before the table and enter in ERT the following:
>    {\def\hline{\cline{1-4}}
> 2) Put the cursor just after the table and again enter in ERT:
>    }
>    i.e., a single closing brace that pairs with the first one above.
> 3) The table should now typeset correctly.
> The opening and closing braces limit the scope of the redefintion
> of \hline to that single table. If you have other tables, you will
> have to repeate the procedure for each one of them, maybe adjusting
> the argument of \cline if they have a different number of columns.

Thanks for the suggestion, but I have managed to solve the problem as
I've described above.  I am curious, though, why you think it mightn't
be a LyX bug?  Or are you suggesting that even if I'd created the
table using LaTeX directly I might have gotten the same result?


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