I stand relieved, if not corrected :-)-O.

Update the Koma-Script then :-)-O

tlmgr on the Mac (but not the TeX Live Utility.App) can have
alternative repositories for indvidual packages, and the author of
KOMA Script makes updates available like such.  Don't know how one
would do that on WIndoze though :-)-O


on 2014-09-17, 00:44 Enrico Forestieri said the following:
> Annaert Jan writes:
>> When I try to compile a KOMA-script article document with
>> numbered
>> sections, I always get the errors
>> Extra \else. 
>> Extra \fi.
> This is a known bug in KOMA-script:
> http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/166779/koma-script-throws-extra-else-error

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