
in the past there were some discussions about using cloud based latex
instead of a local installation. I just receive an announcement from
ShareLaTeX that one can automatically compile tex files on github.

From their announcement:

| Github + ShareLaTeX
| We have released our new Cloud Compiler which automatically compiles
| your LaTeX projects stored in Github after each push. It is free and
| very easy to get setup with. If you prefer a local editor and git for
| writing your LaTeX then you now no longer need to worry about having a
| working LaTeX environment.

More info can be found at 

I am not entirely sure how robust and user friendly the git
implementation in LyX is, but it would be nice to use it for having a
version control as well as cloiund based compilation?



Rainer M. Krug
email: Rainer<at>krugs<dot>de
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