Try this program-

10 REM send contents of mainrom to serial port
11 REM model = M100
100 CLS
105 PRINT"
110 PRINT"open com link to PC"
120 PRINT"19200, 8 bits, no parity, 1 stop bit"
121 PRINT"Xon/Xoff enabled, 98N1E"
135 PRINT"data format hex ascii"
140 PRINT"hit any key when link ready to receive"
150 A$=INKEY$:IF A$=""THEN 150
195 PRINT"sending data to PC via serial"
200 OPEN"com:98n1E" FOR OUTPUT AS 1
205 H$="0123456789ABCDEF"
210 FOR I=0TO32767
215 A=PEEK(I)
220 B=(AAND240)/16:C=AAND15
230 D=B:GOSUB400:D=C:GOSUB400
235 NEXT
290 CLOSE#1
300 PRINT"done!":END
400 E$=MID$(H$,D+1,1):PRINTE$;:PRINT#1,E$;:RETURN

On Mon, Apr 20, 2015 at 9:09 PM, James Zeun <> wrote:

> I can run it again, but it did run for quite some time, couldn't tell you
> how long, because i left it and watch the TV.
> Was my result different to yours?
> I've had hit and miss results with windows and have thus fallen back on
> minicom under linux, which seems to handle my serial ports a lot better. I
> use my M100 for writing articles for my blog and this is by far the easiest
> way of uploading docs from the M100.
> With your typical text capture do the trick?
> James
> On 21 April 2015 at 01:59, Stephen Adolph <> wrote:
>> did it run for a good long time?  like several minutes?
>> That is a very different rom.  I think we need to get a copy of that one!
>> Generally, to extract the ROM, it works well to send characters over the
>> serial port as 2 byte hex represented data.
>> ex.  binary 255 gets sent as "F" "F"
>> you can use a serial cable and capture the data using hyperterm or any
>> other terminal program.
>> Think you could get set up to do that?   I think I have a program around
>> here somewhere to do that.
>> A basic program can do it equally, but it is much slower.
>> Steve
>> On Mon, Apr 20, 2015 at 8:47 PM, James Zeun <> wrote:
>>> Result 61151
>>>  On 21 Apr 2015 1:43 am, "James Zeun" <> wrote:
>>>> I'm running this program now, entered it via basic
>>>> Should it read
>>>> 30 NEXTI
>>>> or 30 NEXT I
>>>> On 21 Apr 2015 1:07 am, "Stephen Adolph" <> wrote:
>>>>> ...seems to work just fine.
>>>>> So, James - so far no smoking gun.  REX installs and works to first
>>>>> order. I've not done a huge pile of testing mind you.
>>>>> But it does a lot more than what you are getting.
>>>>> Would be good to know your checksum.
>>>>> This program runs forever but eventually it will tell you your ROM
>>>>> checksum in base 10.
>>>>> 5 A=0
>>>>> 10 FORI=0 TO 32767
>>>>> 20 A=A+PEEK(I)
>>>>> 25 IF A>65535 THEN A=A-65535
>>>>> 30 NEXTI
>>>>> 50 PRINT A
>>>>> Steve
> --
> My retro tech blog and general ramblings

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