To add a leading zero if a<16

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Stephen Adolph 
  To: Model 100 Discussion 
  Sent: Tuesday, April 21, 2015 10:46 AM
  Subject: Re: [M100] quick test of M100 EU ROM checksum A8AF with REX


  Mike, why


  instead of


  On Tue, Apr 21, 2015 at 10:39 AM, MikeS <> wrote:

    As usual when this topic comes up I'll present the decimal version:

    Connect the two computers and set the receiving terminal program to capture 
text to a file, e.g. ROM100.txt

    On the M100, run:


    Watch a little TV, have a snack, etc.

    When finished, on the receiving computer fire up GWBASIC or equivalent 
(yes, it still runs on XP and BTW, it's >90% compatible with the M100's BASIC) 
and run:

I=0 TO 32767:INPUT#1,A:B$=RIGHT$("00"+HEX$(A),2):PRINT#2,B$;:NEXT

    The resulting file will probably have an EOF at the end; you can delete it 
with Notepad or equivalent. The file size should be 65536.

      ----- Original Message ----- 
      From: Stephen Adolph 
      To: Model 100 Discussion 
      Sent: Monday, April 20, 2015 9:24 PM
      Subject: Re: [M100] quick test of M100 EU ROM checksum A8AF with REX

      Try this program-

      10 REM send contents of mainrom to serial port
      11 REM model = M100
      100 CLS
      105 PRINT"
      110 PRINT"open com link to PC"
      120 PRINT"19200, 8 bits, no parity, 1 stop bit"
      121 PRINT"Xon/Xoff enabled, 98N1E"
      135 PRINT"data format hex ascii"
      140 PRINT"hit any key when link ready to receive"
      150 A$=INKEY$:IF A$=""THEN 150
      195 PRINT"sending data to PC via serial"
      200 OPEN"com:98n1E" FOR OUTPUT AS 1
      205 H$="0123456789ABCDEF"
      210 FOR I=0TO32767
      215 A=PEEK(I)
      220 B=(AAND240)/16:C=AAND15
      230 D=B:GOSUB400:D=C:GOSUB400
      235 NEXT
      290 CLOSE#1
      300 PRINT"done!":END
      400 E$=MID$(H$,D+1,1):PRINTE$;:PRINT#1,E$;:RETURN

      On Mon, Apr 20, 2015 at 9:09 PM, James Zeun <> wrote:

        I can run it again, but it did run for quite some time, couldn't tell 
you how long, because i left it and watch the TV.

        Was my result different to yours? 

        I've had hit and miss results with windows and have thus fallen back on 
minicom under linux, which seems to handle my serial ports a lot better. I use 
my M100 for writing articles for my blog and this is by far the easiest way of 
uploading docs from the M100.

        With your typical text capture do the trick?


        On 21 April 2015 at 01:59, Stephen Adolph <> wrote:

          did it run for a good long time?  like several minutes?
          That is a very different rom.  I think we need to get a copy of that 

          Generally, to extract the ROM, it works well to send characters over 
the serial port as 2 byte hex represented data.

          ex.  binary 255 gets sent as "F" "F"

          you can use a serial cable and capture the data using hyperterm or 
any other terminal program.

          Think you could get set up to do that?   I think I have a program 
around here somewhere to do that.

          A basic program can do it equally, but it is much slower.


          On Mon, Apr 20, 2015 at 8:47 PM, James Zeun <> 

            Result 61151

            On 21 Apr 2015 1:43 am, "James Zeun" <> wrote:

              I'm running this program now, entered it via basic
              Should it read
              30 NEXTI 
              or 30 NEXT I

              On 21 Apr 2015 1:07 am, "Stephen Adolph" <> 

                ...seems to work just fine.

                So, James - so far no smoking gun.  REX installs and works to 
first order. I've not done a huge pile of testing mind you.

                But it does a lot more than what you are getting.

                Would be good to know your checksum.

                This program runs forever but eventually it will tell you your 
ROM checksum in base 10.

                5 A=0
                10 FORI=0 TO 32767
                20 A=A+PEEK(I)
                25 IF A>65535 THEN A=A-65535
                30 NEXTI
                50 PRINT A



        My retro tech blog and general ramblings

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