I think it would be awesome if you use the Model 100 for your journal! There's 
something about that back-to-basics simple design that adds to the experience. 
Plus, no esoteric or expensive batteries, instant-on, no security updates, etc.

I've been toying with the idea for a motorcycle trip across country, and I 
think I'd bring either my 100 or 200 with me to blog about it. I've been 
playing with more modern connectivity methods (inspired by Stephen's work with 
BT), so I would be able to publish my text through my phone... hopefully. Your 
message has just inspired me more :)

Date: Thu, 30 Apr 2015 08:10:52 -0700
From: mechanicalgen...@cox.net
To: m100@lists.bitchin100.com
Subject: [M100] Model 100/102 vs Alphasmart

Howdy folks
My name is Robert and this is my first post. 
I am going to be taking a trip this summer,  aboard a 50ft sailboat,  from 
Hawaii to Long Beach. I did this run couple years years ago.  Best month of my 
life.  During that journey,  I shared my journal daily.  We used a ham radio 
based email system called Sailmail to connect with the world.  I would write on 
my tablet everyday and upload once a day.  Everyone loved reading about the 
I want to share it again.  Last time,  I ran into a couple issues with my 
Samsung tablet. Battery life wasn't that great,  and daylight viewability was 
awful.  If I wanted to write during the day I had to go below deck to do it.  
This time I want to be able to write anywhere and everywhere. 
I have a Model 100, and it seems like it could be quite nice for this trip,  
other than transferring files to the laptop we will be using for Sailmail. I 
won't likely have access to the laptop before the trip for testing. I don't 
have a NADSbox. 
Another option I ran across is an Alphasmart Neo. Not quite as cool,  but 
rugged,  USB built in, and I think it is backlit. I think it may have a 
limitation on the number of files it can store,  and I will be creating at 
least one new file per day. 
So I come to you,  oh knowledgeable ones of the Model T world.  What wisdom can 
you share with this lowly sailor?                                         

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