In Issue December 1990 of Portable 100, there's an article on page 14 about using your Model T as a Trip Navigator. It's based on waypoints you designate your rate of travel and fuel consumption, and it makes a straight line graph to measure your progress (I can't help thinking of The Oregon Trail and The Organ Trail video games...)

I have an old Streets and Trips 2008, that came with a GPS receiver, with a USB plug on the end. So, typically, I wonder to myself if there would be some way to connect the USB to my serial port, and then use my Model 100 as a *real* navigator. Primitive, yes. Slow, almost certainly. But, very very very retro-cool.

Anyway, just thought I'd throw that idea out there along with the others. I only bring this stuff up in case it inspires others on the mailing list in developing their current or new projects. If someone finds it annoying, let me know and I'll shut up.

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