Welcome home.  Always liked your site.
      From: Gary Weber <m100l...@gweber.org>
 To: M100 Mailing List <m100@lists.bitchin100.com> 
 Sent: Thursday, March 10, 2016 1:14 AM
 Subject: [M100] Greetings from Web8201.com Founder
Hi all,
Yes I'm still out here, even though I've spent years away from my vintage 
computing hobby and have been out of contact from all of you.  I'm HAPPY to see 
the group is still alive!  After my server hardware died for the website I was 
running, sadly I just dropped away from it for a while and even let Web8201.com 
expire.  After it expired I registered Web8201.net just so I'd have a domain 
available if I ever got my website back online at a hosting service.  I did see 
someone picked it up and put up one of my old front pages, so apparently there 
is interest out there.  I may end up working on this soon.    If the new owner 
of the Web8201.com is part of this mailing list, please email me.
Anyway, I'm curious how this vintage computing group is doing lately.  NADSbox 
& REX seems to have breathed new life into these babies, and I'm curious to 
hear what people are doing with them lately.  I'll have to spend a few weekends 
reading through the list archive.
Kind regards,
Gary WeberWeb8201 Founder, & genuine NEC enthusiast


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