Come on people. Everyone has the right to access any forum, list or FACEBOOK. 

Yes, some people might like the M100 list. Some people like FACEBOOK. Who 
really cares. 

Mike Stein and John Hogerhuis. You BOTH need to just respect what TRS 80 Model 
100 user do and what they access on the internet. M100 list  is not the "GOD 
M100 list" out there to access. Many people create webpages, Facebook groups 
and other related information pertaining to the TRS 80 Model 100.
Duane A.

From: "Mike Stein" <>
To: "Model 100 Discussion" <>
Subject: Re: [M100] my Model 100 facebook group
Message-ID: <A53A1031BE994AC4B2CCB38B481A759E@310e2>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

Don't get your shorts in a knot, Gary; I merely said that it's a shame that he 
chose Facebook to host his pictures instead of one of the many other sites 
which do not require logging in and joining, thereby excluding a number of 
folks like myself from seeing and presumably enjoying what he has to show.

Most people are aware that quite a few people will not or can not join 
Facebook, and when they want to share something with folks outside that walled 
garden they choose a universally accessible site instead.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Gary Weber 
  To: Model 100 Discussion 
  Sent: Thursday, May 05, 2016 9:41 PM
  Subject: Re: [M100] my Model 100 facebook group

  Wait, we're not really going to debate the merits of the existence of a 
Facebook group, are we?

  Is the point that just because not *everyone* is on Facebook, people 
shouldn't create Facebook groups because it cannot include everyone?

  Rubbish.  If the people already on Facebook want to have a group to talk 
about a certain topic, they should have that freedom.  Just like the people who 
are into HAM radio can have discussions across their own medium, that also 
excludes people that *DON'T* have a HAM license.

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