> BTW, I'm not sure exactly what John's policy is regarding the bitchin100
list archive; insofar
> as it restricts at least some access to members only I'd be curious what
the justification is.

Aha!  You picked up on the subtle unstated point of mine.  :-)   My guess
is probably server load though, as initiated by bots that could happen if
the membership requirement was removed.

Anyway, as for community groups, I do think "the more the merrier" is
good.  Walled gardens, un-walled gardens, public forums, etc etc..  ButI
also think cross references would be a great thing, too.  Content doesn't
have to be exclusive at all.  But, you can't ignore that there are some
convenience features within these various groupware features that make it
attractive.  Being able to have multimedia content, with the ability like,
comment on, or share and promote all within a walled garden group to pull
in other walled garden members is kind of a nice thing.  They make it
damned easy to have an immediate community presence when you set up a
Google Group or Facebook Group.  The "nice" groupware features is what
makes it attractive to set things like this up..


P.S. Welcome Steve!

On Sat, May 7, 2016 at 12:49 AM, Mike Stein <mhs.st...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Ah, another addict! ;-) Nice to hear from ya!
> We no longer have pennies up here in Canada, so it'll have to be my 5
> cents (not that that makes it worth any more than your 2 cents, especially
> with today's exchange rate ;-)
> Of course, spreading the word about this list is a good thing, wherever;
> vice versa, even if access is restricted to FB members it's good to know
> that an M100 FB group exists.
> Whether creating another group at least somewhat similar to this list is a
> good thing could start another discussion (let's not! ); some folks like
> you say the more the merrier, whereas others think that it's best to have
> one central place.
> But in any case I still think that as a reference they should be
> accessible to *everyone* (unless there are privacy concerns) without
> *requiring* that you join yet another list/group/whatever, signing up with
> whatever info is required, getting approved etc.
> AFAIK Google Groups (for example) lets anyone read public groups and only
> if you decide that you like what you read and want to participate *then*
> you can choose to sign up; same thing with most forums like vcfed.org for
> instance who, although they may not have a specific M100/NEC/etc. section,
> often have relevant stuff in a Tandy/Radio Shack section.
> That's all I meant to say, that IMO it's a shame that William chose the FB
> 'Walled Garden' for his group instead of an 'open' host like Google Groups
> for example.
> /end rant/
> BTW, I'm not sure exactly what John's policy is regarding the bitchin100
> list archive; insofar as it restricts at least some access to members only
> I'd be curious what the justification is.
> m
> ----- Original Message -----
> *From:* Steven Ranft <s_ra...@hotmail.com>
> *To:* Club 100 Model T <m100@lists.bitchin100.com>
> *Sent:* Saturday, May 07, 2016 1:13 AM
> *Subject:* Re: [M100] Mdeol 100 FACEBOOK group
> My 2 cents:
> I think posting info about this mailing list on the Model 100 FB page will
> introduce the Model T to a broader audience.
> It could cause an increase in REX and other orders and probably drive up
> the price of the few used Model T's that show up on eBay.
> It might also increase the membership of this mailing list.
> I only found out about Model T's because my brother gave me one he found
> at a garage sale a few years back.
> Now I am hooked on them!  I own about 6 of them. And some Z88s, AlphaSmart
> Danas, Laser PC5s.... etc, etc...
> I enjoy this hobby, and the more the merrier is my attitude on new ways to
> learn about the world of Vintage portable computers.
> Steve Ranft
> Savage, MN
> ------------------------------
> Date: Sat, 7 May 2016 01:37:28 +0000
> From: james.z...@gmail.com
> To: m100@lists.bitchin100.com
> Subject: Re: [M100] Mdeol 100 FACEBOOK group
> I like the list and the site. Yes I'm on Facebook, but frankly I could
> quite easily live without it. The list convenient enough for me :-)
> On 7 May 2016 1:33 a.m., "Shaun M. Wheeler" <cj.speake...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> To say nothing of the treasure trove at Club 100's site!
> On May 6, 2016 7:32 PM, "Gary Weber" <m100l...@gweber.org> wrote:
> In fact, searching the archive that's maintained over at bitchin100.com
> is an *amazing* way to find stuff.
> On Fri, May 6, 2016 at 4:32 PM, Sean Fahey <a2...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> I'm a member of several FB groups as well as a few mailing lists for other
> vintage computers. My advice:
> FB groups are awesome for sharing the moment, but when it comes to
> searching for archived information, the mailing lists win hands-down. I
> recommend covering the bases and post here and on FB if your contribution
> is something noteworthy and definitely if it has historical or technical
> significance.

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