What procedure should I use for a cold start? I figured the memory power
should do it.

On Jul 3, 2016 10:52 PM, "John R. Hogerhuis" <jho...@pobox.com> wrote:

> Sounds like it is crashed.  Try cold starting it and see if memory is back
> to normal. The typical ways this happens is running an ML program with a
> bug or attempting to load a untokenized basic program with a BA extension.
> Logical operators can be used for masking and whatnot. But to shift in
> BASIC you need multiplication and division by powers of two.
> -- John.
> On Sunday, July 3, 2016, Josh Malone <josh.mal...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> So,
>> I was sitting down to hack on some basic code (
>> https://www.reddit.com/r/retrobattlestations/comments/4qs0f3/july_is_basic_month_the_challenge_turtle_graphics/)
>> and typed in a quick basic statement to verify that Tandy 102 basic has
>> bitwise operators (it seems to). The command was something like "print c
>> and 2" or something stupid like that. To my surprise, my 102 reset itself.
>> All my files were gone (backed up, so no real loss) but now the menu is
>> showing 21446 bytes free. Some gremlin has stolen 8k of my RAM!
>> I'm so perplexed by this, I just opened up my 102 to visually verify is
>> has 32k (indeed, all 4 RAM chips installed - although 1 is a different chip
>> than the other 3). I've let the system sit for >1 hour with memory switch
>> off and power removed. No change.
>> What on earth could have happened?
>> Last clue I have is that I re-loaded FILSIZ.BA and when I run it, I get
>> OV error on line 9.
>> Thanks for any help anyone can provide.
>> -Josh

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