Yes, I'm the original owner of this m102. I bought it in '88 or so at Radio 
Shack. I don't ever remember buying/using any option ROM -- hence the mystery.

On 3/12/2017 11:12 PM, roger wrote:
Is this a US machine or an international one?


Skickat från min Samsung Galaxy-smartphone.

-------- Originalmeddelande --------
Från: "John R. Hogerhuis" <><>
Datum: 2017-03-13 07:04 (GMT+01:00)
Till: Model 100 Discussion 
Rubrik: Re: [M100] Mystery Rom in Option Rom slot

The low bytes in an option rom are the reset and other interrupt entry points.

-- John.

On Sun, Mar 12, 2017 at 10:27 PM hargarg trurthsr 
<<>> wrote:

Thank you for that program. I tried print chr$ the option rom address $0000 to 
$8000 and there are some stuff at the very beginning, but nothing identifiable 
and then it's just pages and pages of mostly ";" + 0 (59, and 0). Weird...   
The first bytes starting from $0000 are 56, 191, 239, 255, 191, 255, 251, 49, 
248, 255, 239, 127, 118, 255, 190, 44, 62, 251, 255, 255, 126, 255 ,255, 122, 
254, 191, 135, 250, 255, 255, 237, 43, 188, 127, 215, 251, 254, 255, 250 ,28 
,254, 123, 108, 255, 219, 191, 255, 54, 254, 255, 242, 127, 78, 255, 199, 46, 
120, 59, 4, 51, 0, 57, 0, 63, 0, 59, 1, 59, 0, 59, 0, 27

and then it goes mostly alternating between 59, and 0 to $8000.

If there is a program there, it's a very small one.  I tried poking the values 
into virtual T and tried disassembling, but not familiar enough with m102 and 

Anyway, thank you again.

Yes. So a simple PEEK loop in BASIC won't work.

Found this online, might work, but you need to modify it to run in a loop (it 
only peeks one byte)

100 FOR X=0 TO 13
110   READ D
120   POKE 65351+X,D
130 NEXT X
210 CALL 65351,0,HL
220 PRINT PEEK(63360)
1000 DATA 243,62,1,211,232,126,50,128,247,175,211,232,251,201!topic/comp.sys.tandy/jI1HjKOEPAY<>

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