I've had my eye out for the CRT adapter for a long time. But with three kids in college, the funds are being used elsewhere. Hope you are able to get it. The Disk drive is interesting. As I have read, the NEC units test to see if the drive is attached on boot and if it is, they load the extended basic. Has anyone ever documented this process or captured the extended disk basic? Kurt
On Friday, June 23, 2017 4:45 AM, Gary Weber <m100l...@gweber.org> wrote: Thanks for the head's up, Kurt. My CRT adapter has become defective and I don't know how to repair it; I will hopefully get a functional replacement replacement out of this bundle. On Thu, Jun 22, 2017 at 1:59 PM, Kurt McCullum <kurt.mccul...@att.net> wrote: Already above when I have on hand but someone will score on this auction.