I think we tend to forget that e.g. $200.00 is not the same for someone making 
$20,000 as it is for someone making $200,000...

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Christopher C 
  To: m...@bitchin100.com 
  Sent: Friday, February 16, 2018 9:17 AM
  Subject: Re: [M100] Is this for real?

  I have usually been able to find the retro computers that I was after, at a 
reasonably low price, by being patient and alert (automated and manual eBay 
searches, looking in CL, word-of-mouth).  However there have been times that I 
had some extra money and did not want to wait years for a ‘perfect' storm of 
low price, possibly a misspelled subject line and no one else looking that day 
and paid more than I should have for some of the items that I’ve collected.  It 
is tax refund season in the US and explaining a few unusually high prices could 
be no more sinister than that.


    On Feb 16, 2018, at 1:19 AM, Barry Rands <bcra...@gmail.com> wrote:

    Notice that the seller advertised the TDD as "mint" condition. When the 
buyer finds out the drive belt has turned to goo, the seller can always say 
"Oh, that's the chocolate coating on the mint that must have melted off into 
the drive"😆

    On Wed, Feb 14, 2018 at 8:31 AM, Frederick Whitaker <rrtfw6...@charter.net> 

      There are people out there that go by the rule "Buy low, Sell High." They 
know that there are fools out there that think the Tandy Portables are real 
"antiques" and might be a good financial investment. It is unfortunate that 
such people are out there.

      Fred Whitaker

      On 2/14/2018 6:20 AM, Chris Kmiec wrote:

        I don't have a problem paying good money for retro stuff that warrants 
it. I enjoy playing with the Tandy portables, one if the reasons being because 
they are so cheap to find. I don't have to worry about babying them too much. 

        I could maybe see $300-400 for a sealed, NIB 102. MAYBE $500. $800 for 
a used one is just plain crazy - either two bidders that have way too much 
money, or eBay fraud.

        On Feb 13, 2018 10:04 PM, "Doug Jackson" <d...@doughq.com> wrote:

          Retro gear is just sometimes expensive.  $4k for an imsai 8080 isn't 
unheard of.

          On 14 Feb. 2018 2:37 pm, "Chris Fezzler" <fezz...@yahoo.com> wrote:

            I found it fun to buy computers from when the industry was battling 
with innovations and different form factors.  A lot of real innovative 
engineers out there.

            On ‎Tuesday‎, ‎February‎ ‎13‎, ‎2018‎ ‎09‎:‎34‎:‎16‎ ‎PM‎ ‎EST, 
Kevin Becker <ke...@kevinbecker.org> wrote: 

            “Retro” computing stuff seems to be going up in price lately. Even 
things that didn’t seem very retro to me. Look at the prices for old 
486/pentium machines.  There are some wild ideas about the value of a generic 
beige x86 tower. 

            On Feb 13, 2018, at 9:22 PM, Chris Fezzler <fezz...@yahoo.com> 

              Fake to drive up prices?

              On ‎Tuesday‎, ‎February‎ ‎13‎, ‎2018‎ ‎09‎:‎10‎:‎23‎ ‎PM‎ ‎EST, 
Kevin Becker <ke...@kevinbecker.org> wrote: 

              I was watching the TPDD2 and was disappointed when it went over 
$100 because one went for $60 or $70 a week ago. 

              It makes no sense they went so high. It looks like to two 
different buyers too. 

              On Feb 13, 2018, at 9:05 PM, Chris Kmiec <ckmi...@gmail.com> 

                Check these two auctions that just ended... 




                How, why, WHAT??


    Barry Rands, PE, LEED AP

    81 Encanto Lane

    San Luis Obispo, CA 93401
    805-704-1549 (cell)
    805-783-2038 (home)

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