Ken, when I first read your code I said "That wont work and k(0) will be

however it seems to work.

I cannot explain why your code works and my original code did not.  I never
modify the string content.

your line:
20 FOR X=0TO3:F=VARPTR(A$(X)):K(X)=256*PEEK(F+2)+PEEK(F+1):NEXT

compared with
20 F=VARPTR(A$(0)):*K(0)*=256*PEEK(F+2)+PEEK(F+1)

yield the same answers for K(0)

your line:
20 FOR X=0TO3:F=VARPTR(A$(X)):K(X)=256*PEEK(F+2)+PEEK(F+1):NEXT

compared with
20 F=VARPTR(A$(0)):*K*=256*PEEK(F+2)+PEEK(F+1)

yield different answers for K, K(0)
the only difference is using K vs K(0).

I still don't know a good rule for how to safely use VARPTR!!

On Tue, May 29, 2018 at 4:52 PM, Ken Pettit <> wrote:

> Steve,
> Are you are trying to pre-calculate the addresses of the strings to save
> time or something?
> One thing to note is that the address of the A$() or D$() array variable
> will move around in RAM.  However, as long as you don't modify the strings
> *in* the array after they are first assigned, then the
> "256*PEEK(K+2)+PEEK(K+1)" address values pointing to the actual text will
> NOT change.  Those addresses will be pointing back to the actual string
> text in the BASIC program (which doesn't move around during program
> execution).
> This is an optimization BASIC makes.  When strings are first assigned, the
> variable is created with an address pointing to the actual string text.
> The initial value simply points to the BASIC program.  If the contents of
> that string variable are changed after that point, then BASIC moves the
> text into high RAM to make the modification.  Otherwise the text simply
> lives in the BASIC program.
> So you could create an array of pre-calculated addresses as follows:
> 10 DIM A$(3):DIMK(3):A$(0)="blah0":A$(1)="blah1":A$(2)="blah2":A$(
> 3)="blah3"
> 20 FOR X=0TO3:F=VARPTR(A$(X)):K(X)=256*PEEK(F+2)+PEEK(F+1):NEXT
> 30 REM
> 40 REM Now any variable can be created and the values in K() will still be
> correct.
> Ken
> On 5/29/18 9:25 AM, Stephen Adolph wrote:
> John, I wasn't able to declare variables in any meaningful way to solve
> this problem. Only assignment seemed to work.  Do you know a trick for that?
> steve
> On Tue, May 29, 2018 at 12:21 PM, John R. Hogerhuis <>
> wrote:
>> On Tue, May 29, 2018 at 5:13 AM Jeffrey Birt <>
>> wrote:
>>> >>> Anytime a new scalar (i.e. non-array) variable is created, the
>>> addresses of the array variables must all change to make room for the new
>>> scalar variable.
>>> So BASIC copies all the arrays to a new memory address? That does not
>>> seem very efficient.
>>> Jeff
>> I think it’s a trade off. Extra levels of indirection are also
>> inefficient.
>> It’s either take the hit on a “move” when a variable is created  or take
>> a guaranteed hit every variable access.
>> And you can avoid the cost by declaring your variables up front.
>> — John.

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