Hey Steve,

Yes, then you aren't as restricted on the opcodes plus you don't need any encoding. You just need to ensure 1Ah doesn't appear anywhere. I suppose if your ML code snippets don't need to perform any jumps to address that require a byte <32, it works out. Also, I guess if you need something like LXI B, LXI D, DAD B, etc. then you can just perform the math the long-hand way.


On 5/31/18 11:51 AM, Stephen Adolph wrote:
so you are suggesting the .BA file calls into the .DO file?  interesting.

When I embed programs as strings, I write the program to avoid codes <32 d.
mvi  a,00
is bad
xra a
is good.

On Thu, May 31, 2018 at 2:34 PM, Ken Pettit <petti...@gmail.com <mailto:petti...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    Hey guys,

    Looking at this a bit, it seems because of the restrictions
    imposed by BASIC with regard to binary values less than 32
    decimal, the only real viable way to do execute in-place ML code
    would be to imbed it in a .DO file.  Then the only restriction is
    that you can't have 26 decimal (the End Of File character).  This
    is much less restrictive, though it would require distributing the
    BASIC program with a .DO file as a dependency.  For execute in
    place, you could even implement a relative branch mechanism so you
    don't have to recalculate jump addresses when the .DO moves.


    On 5/31/18 4:49 AM, Stephen Adolph wrote:
    John I think a scheme like that could work, however you'd need to
    eliminate all codes under 32decimal.  To run in place, you lose
    the ability to encode/decode the problematic characters.

    finding the DATA statements in RAM can be done but it is a bit of
    work.  I think you'd have to start from the directory table and
    trace out the line by line starting addresses from there.

    On Wed, May 30, 2018 at 3:15 PM, John Gardner <gof...@gmail.com
    <mailto:gof...@gmail.com>> wrote:

        Or,  for really evil results,  you can execute your embedded code

        in place - I think.  I have'nt tried this on a MT,  but it
        works a treat

        on TI CC-40's & TI-74's,  8-bitters of a similar vintage.  Of

        you have to keep track of where your code is in memory...

        I actually wrote a tool once (in QB) that would take a .lst
        file and

        turn the opcodes into DATA statements,  with offsets & jumps in

        the right places;  a TI-BASIC DATA statement length is 80 Bytes

        max, not 255,  so more than one is sometimes needed,  & there's

        some overhead in the jumps,  but an EXEC statement is pretty

        Too much fun...    "8)


        On 5/30/18, Stephen Adolph <twospru...@gmail.com
        <mailto:twospru...@gmail.com>> wrote:
        > I often want to embed ML into basic programs.  There are 2
        ways that I use
        > 1)  make a string of binary and assign it to a basic string
        variable. (use
        > VARPTR)
        > 2)  include data statements that contain the ML binary,
        with some encoding,
        > and use a routine to poke into memory
        > regarding (2)
        > I've seen 2 methods
        > 1) encode data as decimal numbers
        > ex.  Data 125, 34, 56 etc
        > 2) encode data as hex characters
        > ex. Data C9F501 etc
        > Neither of these are really optimal because they expand the
        size of the
        > code by 2 -3 x
        > I've come up with an alternative to this which I'm now
        using.  The raw
        > binary, with some code changes, can be directly embedded in
        > statements, in quotes.
        > ex. Data "$%#(Lop" etc
        > gotchas:
        > 1)  all binary codes <=32 must be mapped to special
        sequences to avoid
        > problems with BASIC
        > 2)  the " character has to be mapped to a different
        sequence otherwise you
        > confuse BASIC
        > I use the "/" as a special symbol to mean "special
        sequence" and I map all
        > characters <=32, + " + / by adding 64d to each character.
        > Ex. if the code 0Dh is encountered in the binary, it would
        get transformed
        > to "/" + chr$(13+64).
        > Decoding is straightforward - look for / and subtract 64
        from the next
        > character.
        > Anyhow the net result is very compact with a minimal poke
        routine.  I
        > compile my machine code into Intel HEX format, run a simple
        program to
        > encode the data into sets of DATA statements, and copy the
        resulting text
        > into a .DO file.

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