Hello Jimmy,

I'm the author of LaddieAlpha, and I maintain DLPlus. You are welcome to
look at any of that source to understand the protocol.

I haven't had any issue with flow control. Set DSR and CTS so that
unpatched TS-DOS "cable detect" insanity is satisfied. Set baud to 19200,
since that's what a TPDD-2 uses. You can support 9600 baud if you want.

There is no flow control for TPDD per se. It's a request-response protocol.
There's no need for flow control because neither side can be "overrun" in a
request response protocol like TPDD file access protocol.

That said, if you don't respond quickly enough to TS-DOS it will time out
on the tpdd service.

Good luck with your project,

-- John.

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