I recently broke out my old AP-issued Model 100 and have been tinkering with it.

I have it hooked up to my computer via a null modem and am able to transfer 
BASIC files to it.  But I'm stumped about how to move a binary file.

In my old BBSing days, you just used a file transfer program, like the various 
XModem programs available for the 100.  But the one program that I can get to 
work (XMODEM.BA 9216 (02-07-90)), only saves .DO files.  Trying .CO files ends 
up with an immediate Transfer Aborted message, or something similar.

So, how does one move a binary to a Model 100 over a null modem?

The reason I ask is that I'd like to play the lpm game in the Club 100 library. 
 The library notes that its files are not ASCII.  The .BA appears to be 
tokenized BASIC, and the two support files are .CO's.

Which brings up another question: How does one get the lpm game onto a Model 
100.  The machine reports 29,382 bytes free on boot-up.  Once the XModem 
program is loaded in, it's just 17K.  But lpm is 20K.  What sorcery is this?

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