Brian, you've made a lot of valuable contributions to the Radio Shack community 
and especially the ModelT part of it, and it's appreciated.

But there's no need for you to be rude; the one thing that really stands out 
about this mail list is that for the most part it's a friendly and helpful 
place, generally free of the insults and ad-hominem attacks and arguments so 
frequent on some other lists.

John's original post concerning the format of  "your interesting posts" was 
"just a suggestion" and he essentially asked you for a favour which he "would 
appreciate." It was certainly not an "attempt to criticize me" or a "stupid 
conversation," nor was he "picking the damned fight in the first place," and 
you might want to reflect on why you perceived it that way...

If it's really not possible to accommodate him and others like him or it's just 
too inconvenient for you then that's all you have to say.

His "difficulties" may indeed ultimately be his "responsibility" but that 
doesn't really absolve you of showing at least some consideration. I recall the 
same thing when you first joined this group and started posting your tidbits on 
Facebook; when the members who've chosen not to join FB asked if you could at 
least cross-post on this list or another place accessible to the public your 
initial answer was more or less the same "just suck it up and move with the 
times". Thanks for ultimately relenting ;-)

BTW, if you're going to criticise "the formatting of his own email," especially 
top-posting, then maybe you shouldn't top-post either as you did in this 
message. FWIW, personally I think bottom-posting is inefficient these days in 
this setting and the eternal bottom/top argument is getting pretty stale.

"Don't even try to make this about tone or some crap like that." As a matter of 
fact that's exactly what it's about and as far as I can see it's mainly you 
that's setting this confrontational and argumentative tone with words like 
"stupid, damned fight, why the hell etc.".

'Nuff said...


----- Original Message ----- 
From: Brian White 
Cc: Model 100 Discussion 
Sent: Wednesday, September 12, 2018 8:59 AM
Subject: Re: [M100] M100 Digest, Vol 92, Issue 11

I don't think it's passe. I think it's cool as hell. But that doesn't change 
the fact that whatever difficulties you run in to by doing *that*, are your own 
responsibility, not mine or anyone else's.

For example, if you discover that there is no such thing as a dos email client 
that can do ssl, and your isp or hotmail (also, hotmail? really? you thought 
that was an argument?) decides to stop supporting unencrypted smtp/pop/imap, 
it's you who has to absorb that, not the isp who has to go back.

Not all change is progress or good of course, but much is both unavoidable and 
simply required.

I didn't say I was ising gmail to imply gmail is the gold standard. I meant to 
imply that gmail is a fact of life like the weather. It exists and a bezillion 
people use it, and even if it IS doing something wrong, it's too bad. It's not 
reasonable to say "you can't use gmail".

And what about the points I brought up with the formatting of his own email? If 
his argument about html were valid, then mine were too.

I know exactly what I did and did not say, or even imply, and I did not say 
anything either wrong or unfair. If you don't like the fact that I rejected 
someone's attempt to criticize me, then I suggest go have a problem with them 
for picking the damned fight in the first place. I didn't try to tell anyone 
else what to do to please ME. Why the hell isn't THAT the problem rather than 
my rejection of it?

If you would say something to me, be right, or be prepared to have me say 
something right back. Don't even try to make this about tone or some crap like 
that either. The tone is set by someone else starting something, and now 
someone else picking it up when they decide they don't like how I declined to 
participate. If you don't like how I react, remember that the word is react. I 
didn't initiate this stupid conversation. If you don't like it, then don't 
start it or re-start it when it had ended weeks ago.

For example, I didn't come on here this morning and decide, "I'm going to 
ridicule someone for using hotmail."

OK? This thing was done and I had let it die, and I didn't even take the last 
word back when it died or anything. I said my piece and let the OP have his 
parting crack. But I'm the asshole. Fine by me, yes I am.


On Wed, Sep 12, 2018, 4:05 AM Jim Williams <> wrote:

On 8/21/2018 3:38 PM, wrote:

Message: 5
Date: Tue, 21 Aug 2018 06:40:27 -0400
From: Brian White <>
Subject: Re: [M100] New Age Digital Storage Box (NADSBox)
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

Ok, just remember who started this conversation...

If you are reading email in pine or mutt in 2018, well I applaud you, but I
consider that your choice to self-flaggelate, not anyone else's reasonable
obligation to cater to.
Hello... this is a RADIO SHACK TRS80 MODEL 100 mailing list... 35 year old 
vintage technology... not real persuasive making fun of people on this list for 
using... vintage technology.
I use hotmail for this mailing list, at present. I intend purging myself of 
gmail (along with all things Giggle) as much, as soon as possible. I'm also 
working to do as much of my computing as possible under DOS 6.22 / WFW 3.11 
because I have that kind of perverse personality (what I have to do with modern 
hardware/software I'll do under Linux). Hopefully, if I can get SSL working 
with it, Arachne will be my browser of choice, and probably my mail client as 
well. And I won't care in the least if you think it's passe'. 

When convenient, you might consider searching with DuckDuckGo for "dilettante".

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