I have disassembled the relevant portions of M10 ROM and can see how to
shoehorn the T102 rom into this machine. I hope to have that done for the
When I'm done I'll publish the patch.  Should be achievable with any
keyboard.  I'm not going to do other keyboards - just QWERTY.

Interestingly, In order to get this done, I need some extra space in the
ROM.  This patch leverages something I did long ago - which is modify the
base T102 ROM to create an unused space of about 150 bytes.    I think
that's enough room to accomplish what's needed.

Where we get to, is an M10 that can run all the option roms of the M100,
and should also work with REX!


On Tue, Dec 4, 2018 at 7:26 AM Stephen Adolph <twospru...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Well this is a much harder job than I anticipated.
> I got pretty close but came up against one big problem.
> the PRINT and LABEL keys are moved to a spot on the keyboard in M10 that
> is not scanned like a letter key, as it is in M100.  If you look, you'll
> see that PRINT ahd LABEL are scanned on signal PB0, whereas the "normal"
> keys are scanned on PA0-PA7.
> Why this matters is that it is a much more in-depth patch - more like a
> rewrite - to modify the key scanning code to correctly pick off those 2
> keys.
> I would say I got 95% of the way there and then... ran out of steam!  I
> was hoping to leave the T102 ROM as is, make minor changes to tables,
> values etc, but not have to rewrite a major chunk of code.
> On Thu, Nov 29, 2018 at 10:13 AM Kurt McCullum <ku...@fastmail.com> wrote:
>> That's probably similar to the NEC 8201a with the Japanese keyboard. The
>> layout is different on the one I have when compared to a US keyboard.
>> Unfortunately mine is a dead unit so I can't pull the rom code.
>> Kurt
>> On Thu, Nov 29, 2018, at 4:23 AM, Stephen Adolph wrote:
>> yah, I'll post it when done.
>> not there yet.
>> M10 is a complicated keyboard system.  Plus there are reduced characters
>> relative to M100 - there is no CODE key.
>> So Graph and Shift-Graph have to be remapped.
>> I have to decide whats easier - to modify the T102 driver to work with
>> the M10 keyboard, or modify the M10 driver to work in a T102 ROM.

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