I think in both of these cases I'm using interrupts and hardware
sleep/wait-for-interrupt support, so there's no tight loop. (assuming
correct code and correct wiring on my part, of which I make no such claim
:) ). And yes there is serial port init code. I went through a few
different variations on that "while !Serial" kind of thing, but looks like
now I just have CLIENT.flush() ( Serial1.flush() )
I think it's actually behaving now, in both devices. I believe I had
something bone-headed backwards at the time of the video, watching TX
instead of RX with the interrupt. Also there was something about how
quickly the device can wake from sleep, or from different levels of sleep.
If you don't go below a certain level of sleep, then the device can wake up
fast enough not to lose the same byte of data that woke it up.

On Wed, Jan 30, 2019 at 1:23 PM Scott Lawrence <yor...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I've been doing a bunch with 32u4 based arduinos recently (pro
> micro/leonardo/ss micro/etc).
> With these, there's a bit in the start up to make sure that it doesn't
> crash when talking to an uninitialized serial port, something like:
> while( !Serial );
> Or, you could check it with something like:
> if( !Serial ) { return; }
> and so on.  In any case, it's been my observation that when it's sitting
> in these tight loops checking the hardware, the thing is basically running
> all-out full speed.  Even just the ( Serial.available() ) function in these
> situations can be super laggy.  Even just putting a delay in there helps a
> ton.  eg:
> while( !Serial ) { delay( 50 ); }
> or somesuch.
> It might not be the cause of the power drain, but there's a chance it is.
>  maybe?
> In my experience, those calls checking the serial port seemed to block the
> system entirely and cause bad behaviors... :/
> -s
> On Wed, Jan 30, 2019 at 12:34 PM Brian White <bw.al...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I got Jimmy's code working on Teensy 3.5 & 3.6, and on Adafruit Feather
>> 32u4 Adalogger
>> And modified my copy somewhat. I was playing with getting the top-right
>> corner of TS-DOS to display the current working directory, and reducing the
>> power drain.
>> Some changes are just gratuitous refactoring to suit myself, so that I
>> could then make the functional changes.
>> In this video there is a little mystery where the power drain is a little
>> high on initial power-on, but behaves properly as soon as you actually talk
>> to the device at least once. I think I figured that out and the current
>> version behaves properly right from power-on.
>> Teensy 3.5/6 and the Adafruit device are quite different and have
>> different quirks. I never pulled both versions together into a single
>> modular code base yet. I have some messy code to try to make the same code
>> handle different devices by configurable options amd macros, but it's not
>> really worked out and so it's still two separate branches, one for each
>> device.
>> I haven't done anything further since then.
>> https://youtu.be/_lFqsHAlLyg
>> My mods are in the two different branches here. The master branch is
>> Jimmy's original code.
>> https://github.com/aljex/SD2TPDD
>> --
>> bkw
>> On Wed, Jan 30, 2019 at 3:52 AM VANDEN BOSSCHE JAN <
>> jan.vandenboss...@vivaqua.be> wrote:
>>> Someone was working on a TPDD emulator on Arduino. Is there any
>>> progress? And/Or photos?
>>> As I'm starting a course on Arduino programming, I am now even more
>>> interested. This could become the cheapest stand-alone TPDD emulator yet.
>>> Greetings from the TyRannoSaurus
>>> Jan-80   |\      _,,,--,,_
>>> @ work  / ,`.-'`'   ._  \-;;,
>>>        |,4-  ) )_    .;.(  `'-'
>>>       <---''(_/._)--'(_\_)
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>> --
>> bkw
> --
> Scott Lawrence
> yor...@gmail.com


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