I've been thinking about an ESP8266-based TPDD emulator that can link up to
an FTP site or act as a telnet to serial bridge at the flip of a switch.

On Wed, Jan 30, 2019, 14:06 Brian White <bw.al...@gmail.com wrote:

> I think in both of these cases I'm using interrupts and hardware
> sleep/wait-for-interrupt support, so there's no tight loop. (assuming
> correct code and correct wiring on my part, of which I make no such claim
> :) ). And yes there is serial port init code. I went through a few
> different variations on that "while !Serial" kind of thing, but looks like
> now I just have CLIENT.flush() ( Serial1.flush() )
> I think it's actually behaving now, in both devices. I believe I had
> something bone-headed backwards at the time of the video, watching TX
> instead of RX with the interrupt. Also there was something about how
> quickly the device can wake from sleep, or from different levels of sleep.
> If you don't go below a certain level of sleep, then the device can wake up
> fast enough not to lose the same byte of data that woke it up.
> On Wed, Jan 30, 2019 at 1:23 PM Scott Lawrence <yor...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I've been doing a bunch with 32u4 based arduinos recently (pro
>> micro/leonardo/ss micro/etc).
>> With these, there's a bit in the start up to make sure that it doesn't
>> crash when talking to an uninitialized serial port, something like:
>> while( !Serial );
>> Or, you could check it with something like:
>> if( !Serial ) { return; }
>> and so on.  In any case, it's been my observation that when it's sitting
>> in these tight loops checking the hardware, the thing is basically running
>> all-out full speed.  Even just the ( Serial.available() ) function in these
>> situations can be super laggy.  Even just putting a delay in there helps a
>> ton.  eg:
>> while( !Serial ) { delay( 50 ); }
>> or somesuch.
>> It might not be the cause of the power drain, but there's a chance it is.
>>  maybe?
>> In my experience, those calls checking the serial port seemed to block
>> the system entirely and cause bad behaviors... :/
>> -s
>> On Wed, Jan 30, 2019 at 12:34 PM Brian White <bw.al...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I got Jimmy's code working on Teensy 3.5 & 3.6, and on Adafruit Feather
>>> 32u4 Adalogger
>>> And modified my copy somewhat. I was playing with getting the top-right
>>> corner of TS-DOS to display the current working directory, and reducing the
>>> power drain.
>>> Some changes are just gratuitous refactoring to suit myself, so that I
>>> could then make the functional changes.
>>> In this video there is a little mystery where the power drain is a
>>> little high on initial power-on, but behaves properly as soon as you
>>> actually talk to the device at least once. I think I figured that out and
>>> the current version behaves properly right from power-on.
>>> Teensy 3.5/6 and the Adafruit device are quite different and have
>>> different quirks. I never pulled both versions together into a single
>>> modular code base yet. I have some messy code to try to make the same code
>>> handle different devices by configurable options amd macros, but it's not
>>> really worked out and so it's still two separate branches, one for each
>>> device.
>>> I haven't done anything further since then.
>>> https://youtu.be/_lFqsHAlLyg
>>> My mods are in the two different branches here. The master branch is
>>> Jimmy's original code.
>>> https://github.com/aljex/SD2TPDD
>>> --
>>> bkw
>>> On Wed, Jan 30, 2019 at 3:52 AM VANDEN BOSSCHE JAN <
>>> jan.vandenboss...@vivaqua.be> wrote:
>>>> Someone was working on a TPDD emulator on Arduino. Is there any
>>>> progress? And/Or photos?
>>>> As I'm starting a course on Arduino programming, I am now even more
>>>> interested. This could become the cheapest stand-alone TPDD emulator yet.
>>>> Greetings from the TyRannoSaurus
>>>> Jan-80   |\      _,,,--,,_
>>>> @ work  / ,`.-'`'   ._  \-;;,
>>>>        |,4-  ) )_    .;.(  `'-'
>>>>       <---''(_/._)--'(_\_)
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>>> --
>>> bkw
>> --
>> Scott Lawrence
>> yor...@gmail.com
> --
> bkw

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