Make what stop? And why? It's a technical discussion of a techinal topic on
a technical topic mail list. Why be on a mail list about a computer if you
don't like hashing out computery details like that?


On Fri, Feb 15, 2019, 11:28 PM Kevin Becker < wrote:

> Please make it stop
> On Feb 15, 2019, at 10:56 PM, Brian White <> wrote:
> By tightly coupled, I mean that Telcom has inside  knowledge of the rest
> of the system.
> The tpdd does not.
> (nor the dvi, and I'd put money on the chipmunk too)
> The only reason you can produce examples of other software and systems
> doing things like that, is because it's something that used to be very
> common, and even today every new programmer takes some time to learn
> better, and some never do. But by now it is recognized as an antipattern.
> After Joe-self-taught-teenager-programmer-from-the-70s-80s writes a bunch
> of such stuff, it's all fine at first, and only later he discovers that he
> has written an unmaintainable and unportable brick. Customer wants the
> tiniest change and it's practically impossible, because the code is riddled
> with assumptions that should never have been made.
> John did raise some points that no tpdd emulator to date has emulated the
> drive *really* though, else they would use disk images instead of files.
> And the knitting machines don't use files either.
> I personally don't think that's a strong enough argument, but it is at
> least an argument. I think that just means a tpdd emulator is a filesystem
> instead of a disk. OK, so I would not tolerate a filesystem that modified
> the files either.
> As to Mikes point about causing harm:
> Preserving data is never causing harm.
> If there is harmful data, then the harm was caused by the thing that
> created that harmful data.
> I see that as "two wrongs don't make a right".
> If a text editor added eof, that was a bad text editor, and it's more
> helpful to the user to have the bad data and thus indirectly the cause of
> the bad data, be exposed and corrected, rather than silently allowed to
> persist and even propagate over time. So that you go on thinking you
> actually have good data when you don't and it just fails tomorrow in any
> other context.
> --
> bkw
> On Fri, Feb 15, 2019, 2:44 PM Gary Weber < wrote:
>>   GW>> Since when is it NOT wrong for TELCOM to disallow recording of
>> <EOF> into a .DO file being downloaded, but it IS wrong for the
>> LaddieAlpha/TS-DOS combination during the same operation?
>>   BW>  the fact that telcom is part of a very tightly coupled and managed
>> system. It's not generic software that runs anywhere
>> You have clearly, and strongly, stated the some very sound engineering
>> principles.   Honestly I doubt anyone (or at least many) would question the
>> principles in the universal generic sense.
>> But I would assert LaddieAlpha is not universal or generic.  It has a
>> very defined stated purpose, and has always made specific concessions for
>> Model Ts & WP2s.   Using it outside of this context is at your own peril,
>> so to speak.  And you're bringing up not just edge cases but actually
>> *corner* cases to the usage model.
>> Secondly, TELCOM doesn't know where data is coming from via the COM:
>> port, so I question the claim that it is part of a very tightly coupled and
>> managed system in the context of how it downloads data.  Rather, it filters
>> the data to be appropriate to the machine.  The LaddieAlpha/TS-DOS coupling
>> is no more nefarious than this, and to knowingly permit that combination to
>> crash the machine, while TELCOM protects the machine, would not only be
>> silly, it would be irresponsible.
>> Unless the user directs it to do so of course, whereby my
>> --allow_file_system_corruption switch would suffice.  ;-)
>> On Fri, Feb 15, 2019 at 11:31 AM Brian White <> wrote:
>>> All else being equal, it IS wrong for telcom not to record whatever
>>> bytes are sent.
>>> It's excuse is, at the time such ideas hadn't been recognized and
>>> discarded yet, and the fact that telcom is part of a very tightly coupled
>>> and managed system. It's not generic software that runs anywhere, it's part
>>> of a rom, and so it's less of a crime to be tightly coupled with the other
>>> parts of that rom, like making presumptions about what kind of data may
>>> exist in a file with a certain kind of name.
>>> The tpdd makes no such presumptions.
>>> Telcom also only ever claimed to operate like a user application that
>>> deals in text just like a text editor. How the text editor and telcom
>>> package up data internally are their own business. They just accept
>>> keystrokes and display characters. That is an entirely different domain.
>>> What you should ask is, when you tell BASIC to read or write from COM:,
>>> does BASIC presume to modify the data?
>>> Similarly would you tolerate a file compressor or other encoder that
>>> didn't spit back out exactly the data you put into it?
>>> Telcom processing the data as though it's text is like an image editor
>>> adding metadata on it's own. It's an allowed part of it's job because it's
>>> job is to deal in displaying a visual image to you, not to hold that data
>>> in trust for something else. IT is the app whose defined role is to
>>> manipulate and process the data.
>>> But then when you take that image data the the image editor made, and
>>> put it into a zip file, and save it to a thumb drive, and then read it back
>>> from a thumb drive, it's entirely wrong for any of those things to output
>>> one single bit different from what they were given.
>>> On Fri, Feb 15, 2019, 5:19 AM Gary Weber < wrote:
>>>> Since when is it NOT wrong for TELCOM to disallow recording of <EOF>
>>>> into a .DO file being downloaded, but it IS wrong for the
>>>> LaddieAlpha/TS-DOS combination during the same operation?
>>>> On Fri, Feb 15, 2019 at 2:29 AM Brian White <> wrote:
>>>>> Since when does a disk drive decide what is and is not supposed to be
>>>>> treated as text vs binary data? The application author who decides which
>>>>> flags to use with open() does that, or the ftp client user does that by
>>>>> using the bin option *which exists*. The the drive subsystem never ever
>>>>> decides that.
>>>>> No one answered the question about the sewing machines which also used
>>>>> these drives.
>>>>> "AFAIK "good programming practices and principles" are suggestions and
>>>>> recommendations, not laws."
>>>>> Indeed.
>>>>> 1) I never said anything else.
>>>>> 2) Why is a "good practice" good in the first place? For a reason, not
>>>>> because god said so or something. Something is good or bad because of the
>>>>> harm it lessens or increases.
>>>> --
>>>> Gary Weber
>> --
>> Gary Weber

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