Hi folks, thanks again for the advice the other day. I just replaced my NiCd, 
which had a light amount of leakage on the barrel but didn't appear to have 
reached the PCB. I put a NiMh in there, and the computer is plugged in to 
charge it up for a while.

However, when I turn it on I'm noticing an annoying defect, there are two bars 
on the screen whose pixels are lighter than the others. The bars are at rows 
1&2, and 33&34, counting 0 as the first row. The pixels still turn black, just 
not as black as the other rows of pixels.

I tried searching the mail archives but didn't find any discussion about this.

Could it be that the new battery just needs to charge more?

I'm going to reseat the ZIF cable, but if there are any other ideas please let 
me know.

- Andrew

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