Sometimes a cold boot can help after a NiCd battery replacement.

Then check the Vdd and Vee voltages are +5V and –5V respectively.   The voltage 
on the battery should be about 3.7V if it is charging OK.

It could be powering on just the screen is dim.  Try powering on, hit return 
(this takes you to BASIC) and then type BEEP and return.  There should be a 
beep if the unit is powering up but the screen is not working.   If the screen 
is dim the –5V (Vee) might be really low.

The memory protect switch is set correctly?  I routinely forget to set this 
switch correctly when I take a machine out of storage :(

From: M100 
on behalf of Chris Fezzler <<>>
Reply-To: <<>>
Date: Tuesday, April 23, 2019 at 12:31 AM
To: Model 100 Discussion 
Subject: [M100] Non-charger

I took a Model T out of storage and it was completely dead and would not take a 
I figured I'd use the opportunity to replace internal battery anyway.

Installed the new battery and it started right up, albeit with a Low Battery 
light.  So I assumed it just needed an overnight charge and would be as good as 

Just got home from work and it is dead as a doorknob again after being plugged 
into wall wort.

I can solder and have a digital multimeter.  Some clues on what to check?  I 
assume it is not charging.

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