In article <>,
   Ken Pettit <> wrote:
> Hey John,

> I was reading the posts about posits ... pretty interesting.

> But the Model T ROM doesn't actually use IEEE floating point format ... 
> It uses a format where the first byte contains the sign bit and 7-bit 
> exponent, followed by 3 or 7 bytes of BCD encoded data.  For the 
> exponent, 40h represents "zero".  In single precision, pi would be (all 
> hex):

I was thinking that, but I wasn't sure and didn't want to be Wrong On The
Internet again this week. :-)

My friend Lex is involved in HPC research. I pointed this out to him and
his response was "meh". 

Personally, I'm very much not in love with IEEE floats. 


Willard Goosey
Socorro, New Mexico, USA
I search my heart and find Cimmeria, land of Darkness and the Night.
  --Robert E. Howard

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