Well I had a quick look online for that book you suggested.

I only went and found it for sale on fleabay for just short of £4.


Hopefully it'll get my foot through the door. I do know some programming,
growing up in the 80s. I had a C64, friend had a Sinclair ZX Spectrum. The
schools has Acorn computers. I understand loops, variables, inputs to a
limited degree. Enough to write a program like

What is your name?

Your name:  (name)

That was in Spectrum BASIC and about 20 years ago, a lot of sleep and beer
has past under the bridge since then lol

However I feel more enthusiastic about learning BASIC, than say Python.
Don't ask me way, probably because I enjoy mucking about with old 8bit

On Tue, 7 Jan 2020, 12:22 am John R. Hogerhuis, <jho...@pobox.com> wrote:

> On Mon, Jan 6, 2020 at 4:01 PM James Zeun <james.z...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> As cool as Google is, you know neither of you actually suggested a
>> programming book :-P
>> I'm hoping for hints, help, suggestions guys lol
> Oops, sorry about that.
> The way I learned was from the "Getting Started with Color BASIC" manual
> for the Color Computer. It was really fun and easy.
> You could learn from the Model 100 manual, it has has all the commands
> described. But it is not as easy. If I recall correctly it's more of a
> dictionary of commands than a tutorial on BASIC.
> I think the thing for the Model 100 is the Lien book
> https://archive.org/details/Model_100_Portable_Computer_Learners_Manual_1983_Compusoft_Publishing
> You could go through the whole thing from the beginning or start in the
> BASIC section.
> You're on the right track though, in my opinion. You're not thinking about
> programming so much as what you want to accomplish functionality wise.
> Maybe flesh out your goal as to how you want the program to function, and
> then we can guide you to syntax and concepts you will need.
> In general, programming comes down to understanding:
> a) Storage / Variables
> b) Sequential flow of control (one statement executing after another)
> c) Conditional control flow (alternate statements being executed depending
> on conditions)
> d) Loops
> e) Data structures
> f) Input/Output
> As a fun-down learning approach most programmers start with I/O. Print
> statements, graphics, sound commands, sending data in and out of ports,
> controlling lights and motors.
> 20 GOTO 10
> In BASIC, each program line starts with a "line number". This is the order
> in which BASIC will run your code unless you give it commands to the
> contrary. And each line consists of one or more program "statements" or
> instructions telling the computer what to do next is it executes your
> program.
> For a first version of your program, let's do a simplified program
> specification.
> Clear the screen
> Pick a random number between 1-20
> Print it out
> Pick another random number between 1-20
> Print it out
> The commands to research are
> No loops or variables or anything complicated here. The simplest possible
> (and least flexible) version of your program specification.
> -- John.

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