For those who don't know about CloudT, Dan's program loads easily:

For those who want to try the above program in CloudT:

a) Select (only) the program text in the email
b) Ctrl-C or Right-Click- copy
c) Open CloudT :
d) Scroll to the bottom of the screen
e) Paste the text into the rectangular text control (Ctrl-V) (or
Right-Click Paste)
f) Click on "Add Plain Text" Button
g) A window will pop up asking you for a name, type HOARD.DO
h) Click on the Model 100 screen
i) Select BASIC, hit Enter
j) Type CLOAD and hit Enter
k) type RUN and hit Enter

CloudT is available on most any device if you want to mess around with
Model 100 BASIC programming.

-- John.

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