Thanks for testing this Ken.

I wasn't even aware of the "mystery opcodes" prior to your email. I'll add that 
snipet of code to the next release. 

Does TS-DOS even use them? I'm not sure I've seen them when trapping for 
requests I haven't accounted for. I'll have to take another look at my logs.


On Thu, Apr 2, 2020, at 3:19 PM, Ken Pettit wrote:
> Hey Guys (and especially Kurt),
> I tested NEWDOS using VirtualT by connected to mComm on Ubuntu via two 
> pseudo terminals created with 'socat'. I had to make a couple of minor 
> changes to mComm to get it to run with /dev/pts terminals, but no big deal.
> I ran into the same issue with NEWDOS running against mComm where it 
> would lock up and not return. I discovered that mComm is not responding 
> to the TS-DOS "mystery opcodes". It is unclear why vanilla TS-DOS has 
> no issue with this ... perhaps I accidentally removed a timeout 
> somewhere waiting for response to these opcodes.
> When I modified mComm to respond to the "mystery opcodes", NEWDOS sprung 
> to life and displayed the file list of the DISK.
> The "mystery opcodes" that TS-DOS / NEWDOS sends are:
> "ZZ1" 04h 01h 00h 83h FFh 46h
> "ZZ1" 04h 01h 00h 96h 0Fh 24h
> "ZZ1" 04h 01h 00h 94h 0Fh 26h
> I supported this by adding this code to
>  elif TPDD_Command[2] == 0x31: # Mystery opcode (Send a 
> valid response)
>  #print("Mystery opcode")
>  self.LogMessage("Mystery Opcode", True)
>  TPDD_Response = bytearray([0x12, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00]) # 0x00 
> Operation complete
>  TPDD_Response[3] = self.CalcChecksum(TPDD_Response)
> I will try to figure out why NEWDOS doesn't timeout if the mystery 
> opcodes have no response. It is unclear what a true TPDD does with 
> these opcodes, or if they can simply be removed from NEWDOS with no 
> side-effects.
> Ken
> On 4/1/20 1:15 PM, Joshua O'Keefe wrote:
> >> On Apr 1, 2020, at 10:13 AM, Ken Pettit <> wrote:
> >> Hi Joshua,
> >>
> >> Okay, this is good information. Then I need to figure out what is 
> >> different between NEWDOS autobaud and regular TS-DOS autobaud.
> > To add some further twists to this: if I have DOS-ON and issue a LFILES 
> > command, I get a hang, with no visible I/O. If I open and close COM:98n1d 
> > and then issue LFILES, I get some visible RX/TX...and then a hang.
> >
> > All of the above done with delay off.
> >
> > Also, just loading a page of DISK (F4) seems a little slower than vanilla, 
> > as though that outer loop you mentioned is still adding some overhead even 
> > in non delay mode. It's subtle but noticeable.
> >
> > And just by way of comparison, yes, vanilla TSDOS (and SARDOS, which I like 
> > because it's the other rom besides NEWDOS with the shift-arrow fix) 
> > exhibits none of this.
> >
> > Let me know if there's more I can report to help!

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