Hey John,

Yeah, what I added to my local copy of mComm:


12h 01h 36h checksum

Where 36h is the error code for "invalid parameter".


On 4/2/20 4:41 PM, John R. Hogerhuis wrote:

On Thu, Apr 2, 2020 at 3:57 PM Ken Pettit <petti...@gmail.com <mailto:petti...@gmail.com>> wrote:


    In DLPilot, LaddieCon, DLPlus, etc., what do you do if you get an
    opcode that is not supported?


Looks like LaddieAlpha outputs "Unknown request type" but doesn't send anything if it gets an unknown opcode.

I suppose I could send 0x36 as you say since you're adding extensions which aren't supported (yet).

-- John.

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