
I’ve just installed LaddieAlpha on my Mac. At first this didn’t work, as the 
runtime that came with the package was too old for my Mac. However, a quick 
trip to the Mono website fixed that issue. When installing the Mono environment 
I almost fell of my chair. The install takes up over 1GB of disk space… 1GB! 
And that to run a 320MB+ diskemulator! Now don’t get me wrong, I’m very happy 
that I can now exchange files directly from the Mac (first I was using DosBox + 
DeskLink). But still… 1.3GB of space just to emulate a diskdrive… Even the 
entire VirtualT Mac version is only 4.4MB.
It truly boggles my mind! This is exactly what for me is the appeal of these 
old machines like the M100… you could do quite a bit of work with so little 
Now Mono is likely an extreme example the other extreme… I develop a 
Knowledge/Database platform in Rust and the current release build takes only 
3.7Mb of space (for a complete database platform and this doesn’t require any 
other dependencies at all, except a base OS). So it is possible to still do a 
lot with relatively little resource demands, but still it sometimes amazes me.
Anyway, this all makes it all the more fun to keep these old baddies working 
and do some good old Assembler coding talking straight to the iron.


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