> -----Original Message----- > > SETIME.BA? What is that? Oh, it's something simple I threw together and keep a copy in each memory image because I find it's handy for fixing the time and date by answering prompts rather than setting the variables in BASIC. You can operate SETIME.BA one-handed, for instance, because you only need to type numbers and no punctuation. Another convenience is that it takes the current value of each field as the default, so if you only need to fix the year (if it jumps ahead to 21 because you restored an old REX image, for instance) you can just fix that and hit Enter to take the defaults for the rest of the values.
This reminds me, I asked some time ago about getting a member upload directory on club100.org, but for some reason (I forget the details) it couldn't be created at the time. If anybody can facilitate this, I've got a few things like this I would like to share. Here's the listing for SETIME.BA 10 CLS 20 PRINT "Setting the RTC" 30 OY$ = MID$(DATE$,7,2) 40 PRINT "Year: ["OY$"]";:INPUT YR$ 50 IF YR$ = "" THEN YR$ = OY$ 60 OM$ = MID$(DATE$,1,2) 70 PRINT "Month: ["OM$"]";:INPUT MO$ 80 IF MO$ = "" THEN MO$ = OM$ 90 OD$ = MID$(DATE$,4,2) 100 PRINT "Day: ["OD$"]";:INPUT DA$ 110 IF DA$ = "" THEN DA$ = OD$ 120 DATE$ = MO$+"/"+DA$+"/"+YR$ 150 PRINT "Weekday:["DAY$"]";:INPUT WD$ 160 IF WD$ = "" THEN GOTO 200 170 DAY$ = WD$ 200 OH$ = MID$(TIME$,1,2) 210 PRINT "Hour: ["OH$"]";:INPUT HR$ 220 IF HR$ = "" THEN HR$ = OH$ 230 OM$ = MID$(TIME$,4,2) 240 PRINT "Minute: ["OM$"]";:INPUT MI$ 250 IF MI$ = "" THEN MI$ = OM$ 260 OS$ = MID$(TIME$,7,2) 270 PRINT "Second: ["OS$"]";:INPUT SE$ 280 IF SE$ = "" THEN SE$ = OS$ 290 TIME$ = HR$+":"+MI$+":"+SE$ 300 MENU jim