Thanks when I get some time I will check these suggestions.

Is the bootloader code part of the Microchip USB routines?

On Saturday, July 18, 2020, B4 Me100 <> wrote:

> One thing I forgot… If you are using the free/unlicensed version then
> there is no optimization.  It could be the VT100 app was compiled with a
> licensed version of the compiler with some level of optimization.
> From: M100 <> on behalf of Ken Pettit <
> Reply-To: <>
> Date: Saturday, July 18, 2020 at 2:22 PM
> To: <>
> Subject: Re: [M100] PIC32MX (off topic but related!)
> Hey Steve,
> Configuration bits?  Are you setting those correctly to ensure the proper
> clock mode is selected, etc?
> Ken
> On 7/18/20 2:02 PM, Stephen Adolph wrote:
> Well ok thanks guys.
> In a nutshell,  ( long winded explanation of problem to follow)...
> The Geoff VT100 page has both Geoffs source project files as well a binary
> file that can be programmed.
> The binary contains the application plus bootloader
> When I try to build the project myself (unchanged) I get a different
> binary that does not seem to include the bootloader.    In any case I
> cannot see a way to produce the same binary as what he provides.  I cant
> relplicate his build.
> As well, I cant see anything that seems to relate to the bootloader
> functionality in the actual code.
> Very confusing.
> In any case, the code that MPLAB X produces can be programmed but it does
> not work.  Meaning if I erase the part completely and then attempt to
> program my application, the device does not start after the application  is
> loaded.
> However I know my binary works because if I program it OVER TOP of an MCU
> that has the original binary in it, I can thusly install my application and
> see it run.
> So it really seems like I can produce working application code .. but the
> bootloader portion cant be generated from scratch. I must be already in
> there by separate means for my application to work.
> So I am a bit stuck.   The only way I can produce MVT100 processors is to
> first program with the original code  and then overlay my code.
> Strange.
> Any thoughts?  I really am a newbie on these things.
> Thabks Steve
>> <Snip>

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