The screen has multiple chips that control chunks of the screen. Each chip has 
its own chip select line labeled CS## on schematic. Seems like those chip 
select signals are not all getting through.

Sent from my Windows 10 phone

From: Chris Fezzler
Sent: Wednesday, July 22, 2020 8:02 AM
Subject: Re: [M100] Listserv Search

I'm trying to troubleshoot what components on the circuit board process 
keystrokes and send them to the screen.
The screen and keyboard on my Model 100 are in perfect working order.  But only 
the top four are processing correctly.

The bottom four are displaying gibberish.  But if I type commands in BASIC, 
they work.  So again, not the keyboard or
screen but components that process the bottom half.  A hard rest will present a 
perfect menu screen. But upon entering 
an app, the bottom four lines are not getting proper signal.

Sorry, I'm not an electronics or computer engineer.  Just a hobbyist with a 
soldering iron and a willingness to learn.
Plan to look at Technical Reference Manual to see if I can troubleshoot.

On Wednesday, July 22, 2020, 01:15:25 AM EDT, John R. Hogerhuis 
<> wrote: 

On Tue, Jul 21, 2020 at 5:08 PM Chris Fezzler <> wrote:
Is there a way to search old Listserv messages so I can research before 
embarrass...err...I mean ask a dumb question.

Seriously, would like to research.

How old are we talking?

Gmane was our archive until it went down for a long time. Then it was back up 
recently but only accessible through nntp readers. Not sure the status of that.

Our GNU Mailman list itself has an archive which goes back to 2011 when I took 
over running the list.  

Or just ask. We Are The Archive.

-- John.

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