I'll be honest here,  I would have never guessed and quite shocked that
anyone would consider the word that was used a "swear" word.  I come from a
very conservative family, as in no alcohol drinking, no profanity, church 3
times a week baptist family, and my parents used that word.  Is there a
list somewhere of these words that are offensive to some so that if I post
something I don't inadvertently use one?  BTW, this is a serious question,
not me trying to argue, fight, offend, or stir trouble in any way.

On Thu, Jul 23, 2020 at 7:24 AM Erik van der Tier <e...@vdtier.nl> wrote:

> I fully understand and respect you have the role of moderating this list
> and I think that’s an important role. This doesn’t mean I have to agree or
> disagree with any particular instance of behaviour or its moderation. As
> I’ve mentioned, I hope I have the right to agree or disagree without using
> any remotely offensive language myself.
> I agreed with his sentiment that the word used wasn’t really a swear word
> (of course that’s a fairly muddy subject in itself). I didn’t repeat this
> behaviour myself, I just agreed with sentiment expressed on this specific
> case (about the use in the original message). This doesn’t mean I would use
> that particular word or similar words myself on this list as I don’t have a
> use for them in the context of what we discuss here, hence you won’t find
> any of my messages containing any word that can be remotely seen as
> offensive (as far as I can see). I didn’t mean anything more or less with
> my very short reply (spending too much time during my workday on this as it
> is at this point).
> Cheers,
>   Erik
> Ps: on a less serious note, there is an interesting irony here, looking at
> the server name in the ‘to' field in every single mail on this list ;).
> On 23 Jul 2020, at 14:05, John R. Hogerhuis <jho...@pobox.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 23, 2020 at 4:40 AM Erik van der Tier <e...@vdtier.nl> wrote:
>> Ok. Last message from me on this subject. I’m pretty sure you nor anybody
>> else on this list has been able tp spot me using any foul language
>> (assuming ‘+1’ doesn’t count as foul). I was reacting to Brian’s message,
>> who’s sentiment I agree with.
> Well... do you agree with immediately repeating the behavior that I just
> reminded everyone was not allowed?
> I'm trying to perform my role of moderating the list.
> I need yours and everyone's help to do that.
> At the moment I feel I'm getting the exact opposite.
> -- John.

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