The stream video is still up -

It won't be up for long though (2 weeks I think?). However, I do plan on
making a better video for this. Yes, I did get to bootstrap CP/M and we
even wired up Zork!


On Wed, Jul 29, 2020 at 7:59 AM Stephen Adolph <> wrote:

> Hi Josh,
> Didnt see it, is it something I can watch offline?
> Do you cover bootstrapping the machine, and getting to CP/M?
> If so that's going to be helpful to others who need a better explainer
> than what I put at the wiki.
> Thx
>  Steve
> On Wednesday, July 29, 2020, Josh Malone <> wrote:
>> Thanks, everyone! It was fun to do. My unfortunate overhead camera setup
>> makes my very conscious on getting my head in the way and I tend to forget
>> things like screws and board covers. :-/  I appreciate everyone's support.
>> I'm still figuring my way around CP/M in general so I can do a proper video
>> on this.
>> As I mentioned on stream, a bunch of YouTubers are doing #SepTandy again
>> this year and I hope to join them.
>> -Josh

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