Is there a difference between the Stat arguments in Telcom on the 8201a vs the 8300?

I can't find a pc-8300 manual on-line that covers telcom. Just a user guide, basic, and text. And the tech references on Apparently there was a dedicated manual for telcom.
The closest I can find is the BASIC manual shows an example
which is the same format as 8201.

On my 8201a, the following works ("works" defined simply as: it accepts the change in settings, and a subsequent Stat command shows the new settings, not talking about actually communicating)

Stat 3n81xn

(upper or lowercase both work)

On 8300, the Stat key is F3 instead of F4.

Stat with no argument shows:

That's also the same format as 8201, just like the BASIC example.

But I can't get the stat command to accept anything.
The same exact format that works on 8201 isn't working.
Even typing the current displayed string back verbatim, with or without the added P10, still beeps.

I found the NEC.THD file in the M100SIG which probably explains why there's no manual available. They simply didn't sell this model to end users via retail channels. It was just sold to big companies for internal/integrated use.

Apparently the built-in telcom actually has xmodem???


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