Yeah - while Slack, Teams, and Discord are great for staying in touch, they're super annoying at work. At work, I prefer to not be notified of DMs immediately, but not receive a notification for channel messages. I can go check them on my own time. (I'm not sure that's configurable in Discord... I'll go look.)
Yes, there it is... right click on the server (on the left side of your screen) and select Notifications: [image: image.png] Tom Wilson (619)940-6311 K6ABZ On Mon, Sep 14, 2020 at 3:20 PM Brian K. White <> wrote: > On 9/14/20 12:36 PM, Stephen Adolph wrote: > > what is discord, and how does it fit into or around or on top of (1) > > the mailing list and (2) the facebook group ? > > It's like a fancier modern IRC with history/persistence. Browser based. > > Chat room via browser basically. > > People tend to have it running in a side window or background, where > you're "in" the room all day, but you don't sit there paying full > attention to it. You keep an eye on it and read when you want, and if > someone says something to you directly or mentions you it alerts you so > you can respond. > > In a work context, I think it's horrible. It's a pure source of > interruptions and keeping your train of thought broken and keeping you > from ever getting deep into the puzzle-solving zone where you can > actually get anything but low hanging fruit done. > > Outside of work... I drop in to a couple rooms on specific topics or > projects for a bit once in a while, mostly just to ask about something > and get my answer. > > It's like a hang-out space. It can possibly be nice with people you want > to hang out with and who want to talk about the same things. The > immediacy and short back & forth cycle has it's place. > > -- > bkw >