On 9/16/2020 2:43 AM, John R. Hogerhuis wrote:

EOF character is ctrl-z. 0x1A

"whereas LaddieAlpha and dlplus don't seem to
support sending EOF on a read"

I don't know what you mean by that. TPDD protocol is binary protocol. 0x1A characters are sent turning tx and rx, but it generally doesn't mean "EOF" it's just binary file content or binary packet content.

I meant:

"..LaddieAlpha and dlplus don't seem to support sending an ERR_EOF on a read request that attempts to read past the end of the file."

LaddieAlpha in RequestReadBlock() looks like it would just send back a 0x10 0x00 <CHKSUM> response, but command.tdd notes the read should send an EOF error if the file is finished.


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