My first programming class (in high school, 1994-ish?) was in Borland Turbo
Pascal on a 386. I remember liking it enough to pirate a copy and continue
playing with it on my home PC (also a 386 by then). But then next year
myself and about 5 other students arranged to continue the class
(officially there was only one "CS" class and it was in Pascal) with an
outside instructor who taught us C. Never touched Pascal after that, though
I keep thinking I should check out Kyan pascal for my Atari 800.

Professionally, I use perl, php, bash and domain-specific languages though.

On 10/2/20 3:36 AM, Bradley Kuss wrote:
> > Just out of curiosity, how many members of the M100 forum used Pascal?
> >
> > Bradley R Kuss
> >

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