> -----Original Message-----
> Since I asked the original question about CP/M emulation I thought I
> should share what I had been using to prompt it:
> This emulator has BDOS integration directly to the filesystem (no
> getunix/putunix because it just sees the host directory):

I'm really glad you shared that!  As Jonathan pointed out already, it's based 
on the same emulator he's been using, but the ability to access the unix 
filesystem adds an interesting dimension to it.  (I'm not sure I approve of the 
author's decision to make the emulator interpret ADM-3A/Kaypro terminals and 
then hard-code the translation to ansi/vt100 instead of using a curses 
library... although I understand the motivation since you're very likely to 
find CP/M software already configured (or hard-coded) for Kaypro display 
codes... I recently spent several hours editing a Star Wars shooting gallery 
type game [in BASIC] which contained hard-coded Heath H19 sequences so it would 
display properly on the MVT100, and at least that was something I *could* edit 

> It seems to work well in some respects, but fail in others.  For
> example, I can WINSTALL wordstar 3.3 and run it, but it crashes while
> saving -- but only if the document is not a .BAK file.  Disabling
> backups doesn't fix this.  I can run the WINSTALL equivalent for
> WordStar 4, but it dies early in the process.

You got further than I did.  I tried running WINSTALL using my copy of WS3.3 I 
installed on my M100 and it complains about WS.INS and aborts.  (this was using 
it with the WordStar files in the unix filesystem - I also tried with a disk 
image, see below...)

> Many other commands work just fine.  It also has a non-BDOS integration
> mode that will use a disk image.  I have not tried it but since my
> problems all seem to be around file access, it might work better.

It also comes with an interesting utility (cpmtool) for manipulating disk 
images, which I tried to use to put my WS3.3 files into a disk image to see 
whether either emulator would be happy running it from there, but it corrupts 
the image when I try to copy files into it...


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